
(lu) #1

Preparation and cutting


From the off-white cotton or
linen fabric, cut:

  • One rectangle, 15 x 13in
    (background). This will be trimmed
    after the embroidery is complete.


From the red tone-on-tone fabric, cut:

  • Two strips, 3 x 13in (top and
    bottom borders).


Tape the pattern to a lightbox
or well-lit window. Centre the
15 x 13in rectangle of off-white
fabric, right side up and in ‘portrait’
orientation, over the design and
tape it in place. Use a very fi ne
fabric marker to trace the design
carefully. Keep the lines very fi ne
so one strand of thread covers them.


Fuse a 15 x 13in rectangle of
stabiliser to the wrong side
of the traced fabric.



Referring to the Stitchery Guide
below, embroider the design. A
few notes follow, which may assist
with the fi ner details.


For the children’s eyes, Melissa
worked the upper curves in
backstitch with two or three vertical
backstitches below them. The
eyebrows are a single backstitch.
The noses are one horizontal
backstitch worked slightly loose so
that it curves a little. The lower lips
have a second line of backstitch

inside the fi rst to give them a little
more defi nition.


The buttons and shoe bows are
fi lled with two or three vertical


For the Gold thread, use just one
thickness as it comes off the spool

  • it’s not divisible. The bells have the
    little rows of dots worked in tiny
    running stitches and the clapper is
    fi lled with two or three backstitches.


When stitching the musical text,
work the music stave before the
lettering and notes. The mid-air notes
are outlined in tiny backstitches and
fi lled with vertical satin stitches.
There’s no need to outline the notes
attached to the letters.


Design area Thread Stitch

Face outlines, ears, eyes,
noses, mouths and necks Carrot Seed (310) One strand Backstitch

Headband and hair Carrot Seed (310) Backstitch
Dress, shorts, shirt and shoes Carrot Seed (310) Backstitch
Hands, arms, legs and socks Carrot Seed (310) One strand Backstitch
Book outline Oregano (809) Backstitch
Lines on book Oregano (809) One strand Backstitch

Bell Gold Backstitch and running stitch

Dog fur and details Carrot Seed (310) Backstitch

Dog’s eye Carrot Seed (310) One strand Backstitch and satin stitch

Nose Carrot Seed (310) Satin stitch

Bow Toffee Apple (1) Backstitch

Brickwork and ground Carrot Seed (310) One strand Backstitch

Arms, hands, legs, socks
and shoe soles Carrot Seed (310) One strand Backstitch

Hair Carrot Seed (310) Backstitch

Dress, petticoat and
top of shoes Carrot Seed (310)

Backstitch and
running stitch

Bell Gold Backstitch and running stitch

Door outlines, doorframe,
handle and step outlines Carrot Seed (310) Backstitch

Step surface lines Carrot Seed (310) One strand Backstitch

Door inset panels Carrot Seed (310) One strand Backstitch

Singing Girl and Boy

Little Girl Knocking
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