
(nextflipdebug5) #1


    clear goal and orientate your training
    toward achieving it. Is it to build
    muscle or just maintain muscle? To
    lose fat or to build a particular body
    part? The training protocols will differ
    depending. Overtraining can lead to
    both injury and excess stress hormone
    cortisol, which can be detrimental to
    fat loss.

  2. PLAN TO SUCCEED:the best
    trainers ask their clients a host of
    questions for a reason – they need
    to understand how to fit the copious
    amounts of training into their lifestyle,
    especially when bikini modelling is a
    hobby rather than a job. Work out how
    and where you can fit your training in,
    write it down and stick to it.

    your planned ‘hard’ days, train hard.
    Whether it be your weights or high-
    intensity cardio sessions, it should be
    difficult to finish those last two reps or
    final sprint.
    4. PRACTISE GOOD FORM: the pros
    rely on good form to avoid injury and
    create all-important symmetry in their
    physique. If you are slouching in your
    squat, drop the load slightly and up
    the reps. “Teaching or re-teaching your
    body the correct movements takes
    lots of reps, but soon you’ll be looking
    great and bringing the weights back
    up,” says Tramontana. “Hitting PBs
    should never sacrifice form. Although a
    little form cheat can be accepted in the
    later stages of a set, as it’s this stimulus
    that may lead to an increase in ability
    next workout.”
    5. TRY FASTED CARDIO:depending
    on your body type and goals,
    experiment with empty-stomach
    low-intensity cardio, such as walking,
    for added fat burn. One small study
    published in the British Journal of
    Nutrition found that individuals who
    performed a fasted moderate treadmill
    slog burnt 20 per cent more fat than
    their breakfast-fed counterparts.

working at sub-par. By the end of the eight weeks,
these walks became my therapy – a time to think
about the day to come and to connect with nature.
Given my muscle percentages were already
relatively high, my weight sessions were cut back
to just two half-hour sessions per week – not to say
I didn’t work hard! I was pushed to my absolute
limits, often failing on the last two reps of the set.
I also learnt the importance of good technique in
creating muscles that look good and to correct any
imbalances. For example, by turning my foot slightly
outward during static lunges, Tramontana was able
to start targeting my vastus medialis quadriceps
(VMO), helping to stabilise my knee and balance out
the movement being dominated by my already well-
developed quad. It’s the little things.

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