
(nextflipdebug5) #1

Best Protein: For fat burning, Mansfield
recommends a low-protein blend of soy isolate
and whey protein.

What to look for: Ingredients such as green
tea or acai, which some studies suggest can help
optimise calorie burn.

How much and when: Have a protein drink
within 30 minutes of finishing hard exercise.
If it is an easy walk, wait until your next
scheduled meal to refuel. You don’t need to
repair and can do without the extra kJs.

Best Protein: Whey-based protein

Why: “Weight loss is one of the most popular
uses of protein powder, even being used as
total meal replacement shakes. Proteins have a
‘thermic’ effect, meaning that they create heat
in the body through the process of digestion.
Since proteins take a lot of energy to digest, you
burn more calories after eating a meal high in
protein,” says Mansfield.

What to look for: Accredited practising
dietitian Duncan Hunter recommends
evaluating powders based on protein and
carbohydrate content rather than focusing on
the type of protein. Many pharmacy programs
sell off-the-shelf DIY-style VLCDs (very low
calorie diet, less than 800 calories), but not
all of them are good quality. Many cheaper
programs’ products are high in sugar, so check
the labels. Meal replacements used as part of a
VLCD should be fortified with added nutrients
and you should look for ones with added fibre,
higher in protein and lower in carbohydrates
and sugars. Also look for ones with a support
program either online or face to face.”

How much and when: For weight
management, Mansfield recommends choosing
whey-based powder containing fewer than
three g of carbohydrate and at least 20 g of
protein per serve.

Best Protein: 100 per cent whey protein

Why:According to nutritionist Zoe
Bingley-Pullin, whey-based proteins are
ideal to supplement any eating plan, adding
nutrients and curbing hunger and cravings by
contributing satiating protein and lowering
the GI of foods.
What to look for: “Look out for synthetic
sweeteners and emulsifiers that are often
added to protein powders. You want a high-
quality protein that is both healthy and
delicious and provides you with everything
you need,” says Bingley-Pullin.
How much and when: “We should be
consuming one gram of protein for every
kg of body weight. For example, a 70kg
female would require 70 g protein a day,” says
Bingley-Pullin. “Taking into consideration
that you are consuming a healthy and
balanced diet, containing protein and other
nutrients, you should aim for 25 to 50 g of
protein per serve of protein powder.”

Best Protein: Whey protein
Why: While pea, soy, milk and casein protein
powders are good after training, evidence
shows that whey protein is best for muscle
repair and strength gains, Hunter says. It not
only provides the protein needed to rebuild
muscle, but it’s also high in an amino acid
leucine. Leucine has been shown to turn on
protein synthesis, which promotes recovery,
repair and growth.”
What to look for: 100 per cent whey protein
isolate and whey protein concentrate blend post
and pre workout (24 g protein per serve).
How much and when: Mansfield recommends
a serve of protein pre and post workout. “The
pre-workout protein shake will help preserve
muscle breakdown and provide a small amount
of energy.” Post workout, consume a whey-
based protein immediately. To optimise muscle
gain, “have a casein protein shake or meal
replacement shake at bedtime,” Mansfield says.


Which protein powder ticks the fitness boxes? That depends...
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