
(avery) #1

tempt your



Take the industrial

look up a rung in

your kitchen with

recycled pallets


ou can add
bench space
that’s a touch

out of the ordinary

with an island made

from timber pallets.

The repurposed

material is sturdy and

easy to work with, plus

you can pick up pallets

for next to nothing –

sometimes even for

free. Join them with a

simple panel then top

with a timber benchtop

and your island

home is complete. ▲

  1. It’s feature time!
    Spray-painted house
    numbers and a clock
    mechanism fixed to the
    wall create an interesting
    focal point. Attach the
    mechanism with heavy-
    duty foam mounting tape.
    You could screw through
    the numbers into masonry
    plugs or use small strips
    of mounting tape for an
    easily removable option.



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