
(avery) #1
Book in your bedtime
Even Superwoman needs
her beauty sleep. It’s the
foundation for almost
everything. Skimping on
zzzs makes you fuzzy-
brained and you’ll be
more likely to eat the
wrong things in an
attempt to regain your
missing oomph. When
we’re overtired, inner
gremlins scream ‘Gimme
all the chocolate!’ It’s
hard to resist when your
defences are down, but
eating sugary, fatty, carby
stuff won’t give you the
sustained energy you’re
after, and may contribute
to weight gain. Treat
sleep as you would an
important appointment:
put it in your calendar,
turn up on time and give it
your all, starting tonight.

Step into the light
The temptation to
shield your eyes from
light is strong when
you’re fatigued, but
it’s exactly what you
need. Natural sunlight,

absorbed through the
retina, helps regulate
circadian rhythms, which
control many body
functions. Spending a
little time outside without
sunnies will help you
feel human again. At
night though, artificial
light tells your body it’s
not yet time to sleep.
Put down your phone
and power off early!

Sip on it, Susie
Water, that is. Without
sufficient H₂0, energy
quickly plummets. Lap it
up straight, on the rocks,
laced with a squeeze of
lemon or warm with a
couple of tablespoons
of raw, organic apple
cider vinegar.

Crunch on
Snack on a small handful
of almonds, pistachios or
pumpkin seeds instead
of bickies, chips or a
honeycomb bar. It’ll
give you the crunch you
want, with the energy-
giving benefits you need.

Get up, stand up
Trapped at your desk
and it’s still hours from
quittin’ time? Stand up.
To get your blood flowing
again, jog on the spot or
try a few squats in place
for 30 seconds; stretch
your arms above your
head, out to the sides and
behind your back. Shake,
rattle and roll it out. You
can sit back down now.

Practise mini
A power nap isn’t
always possible or
socially appropriate,
so try mini meditation
sessions throughout the
day instead. Close your
eyes, breathe slowly and
deeply through your nose
while picturing yourself
somewhere peaceful and
warm where the skies are
a brilliant, calming blue.
Just three minutes is all
you need to regroup and
revitalise. Do it at your
desk, in the bathroom
or in your car – while
safely parked, of course!


ver had one
of those days
where your
energy’s flagging and
your butt’s dragging
before your feet hit
the floor? You know
it’s going to be a hard
slog when you’re
still trying to shake
the grit from your
eyes at lunchtime.
Ugh! You could limp
along on caffeine and
doughnuts but that
won’t really help.
What’s a girl to do?
Number one, identify
the fiend who stole
your zip-a-dee-doo-
dah (hint, you may
be more complicit
in this crime than
you care to admit)
and two, try these
easy pick-me-ups.

If your get-up-and-go is MIA, try a few of these

energy-boosting solutions to get you through the day


total energy

Photography Adobe Stock, Getty Images

Quick fix 1

Quick fix 2

Quick fix 3

Quick fix 4

Quick fix 6

Quick fix 5

quick fixes for

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