
(Grace) #1

70 | December 2016

Peathegee Inc/Blend Images LLC/Gallery Stock (bartender), RYAN O. (beers)

Drink the

Beer, Lose

the Gut

You don’t have to give up

brews if you’re trying to watch

your weight. And these days,

you don’t have to settle for

a traditional light beer either.

Yes, forsaking all beer is one way to eliminate
extra calories from your diet. It’s also a great
way to eliminate happiness from your life. In the
dark days before craft beer, you might’ve held
your nose and joylessly drained a can of Stale
Ale. Now, mercifully, breweries are coming up
with beers that not only block the bloat but also
have a key trait that too many brews lack: flavor.
These so-called “session beers” are perfect for
guys who choose their drinks for the taste and
not just the buzz. Because they have a lower
percentage of alcohol by volume (ABV), session
beers can have hundreds of calories less than
some IPAs. We had Greg Engert of the D.C. craft
beer destination ChurchKey pick his top 10.
Then we tried ’em all. These are our favorites.

This 150-calorie ale has a clean,
refreshing taste; Engert compared
the smell to “peppery spice and
fresh-cut grass.” It has 40 to 50 more
calories per bottle than a typical
light beer would, but the flavor is so
satisfying that you’ll only need one.
Enjoy it with an equally light meal,
such as a simple roasted chicken
and sautéed spinach.

“Tart, authoritative, smooth—this
beer has everything,” said one
tester. That’s huge, considering the
fac t that a 12- o unc e b ot tle has a
mere 81 c al o r ies. I t ’s dr y, c r isp, and
a little sour (in a good way).

The brews shown above aren’t your only options. ChurchKey’s Greg Engert also likes De la Senne Taras
Boulba (4.5% ABV), DC Brau Brau Pils (4.6%), Fir e ston e Walke r Pal e 31 (4.9%), Founders All Day IPA (4.7%),
Jolly Pumpkin Calabaza Blanca (4.8%), Mahr’s Bräu Leicht (2.8%), and Stillwater Yacht (4.2%).

Best Overall

Best 125-Calorie Beer

Best Under 100 Calories

4.5% ABV

4.8% ABV

Le Petit
2.8% ABV

The backbone of this stuff is Bret-
tanomyces yeast, which makes the
hoppiness pop and carries what
Engert dubs “earthy funk.” One
taster described Little Brett as “fruity
and cider like.” Bring it out with
your leftover turkey—and leave the
Beaujolais nouveau in the fridge.

Weight Loss

Beers to

Your Health

Don’t close the bar:
Over time, lack
of sleep can lead to
weight gain and
increased alcohol
use, studies show.
Free download pdf