
(Romina) #1

160 ^ Cosmopolitan ^ DECEMBER 2016





love aDvice
From guy guru
logan hill
Q/ For the last
couple of months,
i’ve been the only
one traveling south
during sex. My BF
told me that he
doesn’t like going
down on women in
general. i’m happy
to give more than
i receive, but
every now and
then, it would be
appreciated. how do
i get the message

a/ Sometimes guys get
weird about oral. He

may be insecure and
feel like he’s lost when
he goes downtown.
Boost his confidence
by telling him you’ve
been fantasizing
about having him
between your legs.
Get specific. Or lure
him with some 69.
But mostly, just
ask—everyone likes to
feel wanted. Tell him
you need him down
there. That he makes
you feel so good. Say
it until the message
sinks in...and his head
sinks into your lap.

Q / i am insanely
shy, anD so is the
girl i’ve been
talking to. we’re
not hooking up
or Dating yet,
anD all i really
want is to be her
Fwb. how Do i say
that i’m Down to
hook up in a way
that isn’t increD-
ibly terriFying?

a/ First, drop a hint
to indicate that
you’re not looking for
something serious:
“I’m so loving my
freedom right now.”
And avoid falling
back on potentially
misleading clichés,
like “We’re so good
together.” Keep it
clear by telling her
she’s hot, like “Are
you as attracted to
me as I am to you?”
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