
(Romina) #1

184 ^ Cosmopolitan ^ DECEMBER 2016

cosmo QuiZ

by helen zook

the breakdoWn

mostly c’s
You’re up for
skydiving to
swiping a six-pack
of Twisted Tea from
the convenience
store. Just don’t let
having a blast ruin
the rest of your
life...or land you in
jail. Ease up on the
raging, and spend
a lazy Sunday in
bed. Your body
and mind will
thank you.

mostly a’s
worka holic
You’re always
down to drop
random plans for
what matters.
Props for putting
your job first, but
make sure no one’s
taking advantage of
that. You deserve
to take a load off
too. Block out one
night a week for
drinks or dinner
with friends. You’ll
be glad you
connected with
your crew.

mostly b’s
You have serious
willpower and don’t
indulge too often.
You sacrifice good
times to keep other
whether it’s a barre
class or a working
Sunday. Balance is
key, but try shifting
your schedule and
letting loose a little
more. You may
have an even better
time than you
thought possible.

  1. When was
    the last time
    you blew off
    your to-do list
    to hang with
    your girls?
    a. Not since
    high school. Life
    was so much
    simpler then.
    b. Two Sundays
    ago. My still-full
    laundry hamper
    won’t let me
    forget it!
    c. This past
    Shall I go on?
    5. ding! your
    phone just went
    off. it’s probs a
    reminder to:
    a. Check the
    pet cam. I
    cancelled my
    weekend plans to
    do round-the-
    clock surveillance
    on my boss’s
    Chihuahua while
    she’s out of town.
    b. Power-down
    my laptop. I’m
    halfway through
    the Narcos finale,
    but trying to be
    better about
    staying away from
    screens before
    c. Buy
    Coachella tickets.
    I’ve finally figured
    out how to steal a
    talent pass and
    smoke weed with
    Snoop Dogg on
    the main stage.

  2. you’re invited
    to a cookie
    swap, secret
    santa gift
    exchange and
    holiday rager
    all on the same
    day. plan?
    a. Bail on
    everything, and
    score keys from
    the workplace
    janitor so I can
    burn the midnight
    oil. #SilentNight
    b. Skip the
    gingerbread men,
    and split my time
    at the other two
    parties. I can’t be
    trusted around
    that much sugar.
    c. Drop by
    each, then host
    an after-party
    kegger at my place
    to get more lit than
    a menorah.

  3. your
    boss asks for
    help on an extra
    project that
    means working
    on a saturday.
    you say:
    a. Yes! I already
    started faking
    laryngitis in front
    of my friends just
    in case I had to
    work on karaoke
    b. Sure. I’ll call
    it my Friday night
    prevention plan.
    c. Nope. Gotta
    rest up for Sunday
    Funday. Word is
    male strippers will
    be at the five-hour
    boozy brunch.

  4. how many
    days a month
    do you dedicate
    to binge-
    watching tv?

a. One to two,
tops, but never
fully watching—
I’m always on
my phone.
b. Four. Once
a week at least.
That’s my
c. None. Too
restless. Why
watch Stranger
Things when I
could be sneaking
into a theme park?

are you having

enough fun?

i mag




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