
(Romina) #1

32 ^ Cosmopolitan ^ DECEMBER 2016

Chokers apparently
make me look young...
#NotComplaining (66).

Glam up by
adding hints
of metallic to
your look (56).

Cute soaps
Turn to (90)

This seductive
inspired by
Queen Cleopatra
certainly makes
me feel like
royalty! (73)

A red lippie
for the
Check (80).

FinD us onlinE at


is the season
and I am looking
forward to all
the fun and
festivities. It’s the perfect
excuse to go shopping for
new clothes and try out
all the make-up I’ve been
collecting over the months
(it’s difficult to work at
Cosmo and ignore all the
lovely products we come
across). Experimenting with
make-up is loads of fun, but
I find that many women shy
away from wearing it. One
reason seems to be a lack of
know-how, but that’s easily
remedied with YouTube and
a myriad of beauty blogs out
there (psst... Cosmo features
plenty of tips and tricks, too).
Another reason is because
there seems to be some
negativity attached to women
trying to improve their looks.

At Cosmo, we firmly believe
there’s absolutely nothing
wrong with enhancing your
natural looks. You don’t need
to cake yourself in make-up,
but the right products and
techniques can help bring
out your best features. So,
why not? It’s human nature
to downplay our not-so-
great selves and put forward
our best instead—so there’s
nothing wrong in doing the
same with your appearance
too. Plus, there’s plenty of
evidence to say that when
you know you look good,
you tend to feel good too,

which results in an automatic
boost in confidence and
self-esteem. Check out the
interesting article on page
92, which discusses whether
make-up can actually make
you better at work.

This is also the time of year
when we reflect on our past
achievements. Bear in mind
that times have changed and
there are new definitions
of success. In case you
feel you haven’t achieved
enough this year, review
your benchmarks—you might
be surprised. Turn to page
103 for some eye-opening
thoughts in this regard. Let
us know what you think.

Here’s to a fun and fabulous



Trevina Abeyesundere
[email protected]
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