Mozzies get all the attention,
but another blood-sucking critter
you need to look out for is the
tick. You can come into contact
with these little jerks any time
you’re outdoors. And they’re
crafty creatures, says tick specialist
Thomas Mather – they can sense
and move towards vibrations (say,
your feet crunching on leaves on a
bushwalk) and carbon dioxide (the
stuff you exhale). They are typically
most active at dawn and dusk, and
many species love humidity. Which
means those foggy mornings and
summer evenings are prime times
to get bitten, and piles of damp
leaves or grass are tick havens.
Since they’re usually difficult to see
(at just 1–4mm), you may not know
you’ve been bitten by a tick until
you notice the symptoms (more
on that to come). Check your body
after spending time in grassy or
bush areas, as they tend to favour
warm, moist (sorry) areas of the
body such as the hair at the back
of the head and neck, groin,
armpits and back of the knees.
The trad safe removal method
is to grasp it with pointy tweezers
and slowly pull it straight out, trying
to avoid squeezing its body, says
WH expert and integrative medicine
doctor Karen Coates. “A more
effective way is to freeze the tick
with the over-the-counter wart
killer first, then remove the frozen
body with tweezers.”
The health effects
Most tick bites are harmless – at
worst you’d feel some redness
and itchiness around the bite.
But people can experience allergic
By Tara Ali
reactions and even pick up tick-
borne diseases. If you’re one of
the unlucky ones, a single tick bite
can really change your life, says
Mather. Be alert for the symptoms
using Dr Coates’ guidelines as
shown in the table below.
Guard yourself
Prevention is your best form of
attack. If you’re going into possible
tick zones, dress in long sleeves
and cover your legs with long
pants tucked into your socks
(wolf-whistle). You can buy clothing
with built-in tick repellent –
ExOfficio and Pestrol do ranges.
Also apply insect repellent
containing diethyl-meta-toluamide
(DEET) or picaridin to your skin.
Or apply permethrin – which repels
insects and kills ticks – directly
to your clothes, sleeping bags
and tents (but not the skin).
When returning from a bushwalk,
put your clothes in a hot dryer for
10 minutes to kill any ticks that
are still on them. That’ll learn ’em.
Lyme or a
Tick bite
Breathing difficulties and/
or mild itching and swelling
to widespread swelling
and pain.
These severe symptoms
require an urgent injection
of adrenaline (ask your doc
for more info) and call triple
zero for an ambulance.
Tick typhus/
Fever, headache, flu-like
symptoms, tenderness
of lymph nodes, light
intolerance, unsteady gait
and a rash. At the site of the
bite there may be redness
and swelling and a thick
black scab. Ew!
Your doc can diagnose these
conditions via blood tests
and prescribe a course of
antibiotics to treat them.
Unsteadiness, lethargy,
visual disturbances,
breathing difficulties, and
weakness of the arms, legs
or parts of the face that
worsens over a few days.
This requires immediate
emergency care at hospital.
It’s very rarely seen in adults
- children, dogs and cats are
much more susceptible.
Whether Lyme disease can
be contracted in Oz is still
up for debate, but many
report having it, and you
can get it O/S. Plus, it’s
believed some Aussie ticks
can harbour a Lyme-like
disease. Signs include a
fever, fatigue, headaches,
muscle and joint pain, sore
lymph nodes and a bullseye-
like rash around the bite.
A doc will provide antibiotics,
which must be taken ASAP.
Occasionally, people don’t
respond to them and may
develop ‘chronic Lyme’ which
can mimic arthritis and MS.
Unfortunately, it is often
harder to get proper diagnosis
and treatment for Australian
Lyme-like disease due to lack
of technology and the stigma
surrounding the disease.
Tick bites aren’t just irritating – protect yourself
from some surprisingly nasty health effects
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