Tell us a little about
your beautiful home
The house has gone through
many lives, from being home to a
prominent winemaking family, to
becoming a hotel and restaurant
and then, finally, a home to one old
woman who took good care of it
before she died.
And how you came to be
running a restaurant?
Since I love cooking and writing
cookbooks we decided to bring the
house back to life. I host regular
cooking workshops at my house
and, two years ago, we did a pop-up
restaurant for a few weeks which
was great fun.
Has the house's history
inspired your menu?
Yes, up to a point. The kitchen
had a reputation for offering the
best harvest lunches for vineyard
workers. Aer we moved here I met
so many people who told me they
used to help in the harvest, not least
because the food was so good. I also
found old recipes and menus.
What’s your favourite dish
on the current menu?
As it was a pop-up it’s not always
open – only in summer – but my
favourite would probably have been
the quail millefeuille. My husband’s
favourite was the tomato gazpacho
made from our own tomatoes.
Do you grow a lot of
your own produce?
Absolutely, and more every year.
There is nothing more rewarding
than popping over to our 'potager'
with a wooden crate and filling it
with gorgeous seasonal products.
It’s more of a spring and summer
garden though, so in winter we rely
on good local producers.
You have a large family – do
your children and husband
pitch in with the cooking?
Everybody’s interested in food,
how could they not be? My
husband cooks less than me, but
still a few meals a week. He always
dras some kids to help him
and I oen do, especially if I’m
baking. It’s something of a ritual,
making breakfast together on the
Who would be your dream
dining companions?
I would love so many people but,
to choose only one or two, I’d say
Sophia Loren. I have her cookbook
and it’s filled with genuine love
for food and traditions. The other
would be Woody Allen. I’m not
sure he cooks much, but I know
he loves dining out and I think the
three of us would have a smashing,
delicious time.
Five minutes with Mimi Thorisson
goodthingsmagazine.com 53
FrenchCATHY ZP.indd 53 02/04/2017 22:09