
(Barré) #1

The Goodness of
Nuts & Seeds by
Natalie Seldon
with photography
by Faith Mason,
published by Kyle
Books, RRP £9.99

Pistachio, cinnamon

& yoghurt bark V / GF
This incredibly simple dessert is the perfect
palate cleanser to serve up at the end of a
summer meal. The secret is to take it out of the
freezer ahead of time so it’s lovely and so.
The fragrant roasted berries can be made
ahead and warmed through before serving.

Serves 6–8

For the bark

  • 500g Greek yoghurt

  • 3 tbsp date syrup

  • ½ tsp ground cinnamon

  • ½ tsp ground mixed spice

  • 1 tbsp vanilla bean paste or extract

  • 75g fresh raspberries

  • 75g fresh blackberries

  • 100g dried cranberries

  • 1 tbsp cacao nibs

  • 75g pistachios, chopped, plus extra to serve
    For the roasted berries

  • 250g strawberries, halved and quartered

  • 100g raspberries

  • 100g blackberries

  • 1 tbsp vanilla bean paste or extract

  • 2 tbsp date syrup

  • ½ tbsp flaxseed oil

  • 1 tbsp water


  1. For the bark, line and grease a 20cm square
    baking tin. In a bowl, stir together the yoghurt,
    date syrup, spices and vanilla. Gently stir in the
    fruit, cacao nibs and 50g of the pistachios. Pour
    the mixture into the tin and spread evenly, making
    sure the fruit and nuts are distributed throughout.
    Sprinkle over the remaining pistachios, cover with
    clingfilm, and freeze for 4 hours, or overnight.

  2. For the roasted berries, preheat the oven to
    180°C. Place the berries in an ovenproof baking
    dish and spread into an even layer.

  3. In a small bowl, mix the vanilla, date syrup, oil
    and water. Pour over the fruit and roast in the oven
    for 20 minutes, or until tender and caramelised.
    Remove from the oven and set aside to cool.

  4. Remove the baking tin from the freezer and run
    the outside under hot water for 10 seconds before
    gently releasing the iced yoghurt bark. Set aside
    for 10 minutes or until it has slightly softened, then
    use a serrated knife to slice it into equal lengths.

  5. Scatter with a few more chopped pistachios,
    and serve, accompanied by the roasted berries.

Veggie_MATTCathy ZP.indd 69 03/04/2017 20:51

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