Australian House & Garden — June 2017

(Nora) #1



Three generations embarked on a luxurious cruise along the Danube
and had the time of their lives.Vanessa Walkerreveals how easy it was.


here are 67 years between my mother and my
daughter. My mother Jacqueline, while perfectly
healthy and sharp as a tack, doesn’t like to walk
more than 100m without a rest; my eight-year-old, Mila,
runs everywhere, barely glancing about her. Jacqueline
is fascinated by history; to paraphrase Mila, “That’s just
so, like, old.” So when we are invited to try one of Uniworld’s
new multi-generational river cruises – two days in Prague,
then sailing down the Danube from Germany into Austria,
with stops at scenic villages along the way – I wonder
how we’ll manage the generation gap.
As it turns out, the itinerary is both inspiringand
comfortable. At each port, there’s an array of optional

activities that cater to different ages, from young
children and teens to adults and family groups, and
options thatinclude walking or a mixture of bus trips
and exploring on foot. On board our luxuriously appointed
ship, theRiver Ambassador, both children’s desires (open
candy bar, adult-free dinner table, rehearsals for a vocal
performance) and adults’ wishes (wine tastings, expert
talks, time to just gaze out the window) are on offer.
So, after flying into Prague and walking off our jetlag
with a tour that takes in The Rose Garden at Petrin Hill,
followed by historic Prague Castle, then a three-hour
bus transfer to Nuremberg in Germany to meet the ship
the next day, our girls’ own adventure begins...
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