Australian Knitting — Volume 9 Issue 2 2017

(backadmin) #1

22 Australian Knitting

already worked), join yarn, pick up
and k11 (11, 12, 13, 13) sts up front
neck edge, k the back neck holder 15
(17, 17, 19, 21) sts, pick up and k11
(11, 12, 13, 13) sts down right neck
edge, k the left front holder 3 (3, 4, 4,
4) sts. 43 (45, 49, 53, 55) sts.
Next Row: RS of Collar - K1; *p1, k1;
rep from * to end.
Next Row: P.
Rep last 2 rows twice more.
Change to 4.50mm needles.
Patt until collar meas 6 (6, 7, 7, 8)
cm from beg, end with a rib row.
Cast off extra loosely (otherwise collar
will not sit well) in k.

Insert sleeves, join side and sleeve
seams. Sew on buttons.

With 4.00mm needle, cast on 15 (15,
17, 19, 21) sts.
Row 1: RS - K1; *p1, k1; rep from
* to end.
Row 2: P all sts.
Rep these 2 rows until piece meas

approx 40 (41, 42, 43, 45) cm from
beg, or desired length, end with a Rib
Cast off loosely in purl. Join back

Using the 3.25mm double ended
needles, cast on 3 sts; *do not turn,
slip these 3 sts back to right end of
needle, pull yarn across the back of
work and k3; rep from * until cord
meas approx. 43cm; do not turn,
slip these 3 sts back to right end of
needle, pull yarn across the back of
work and cast off.
Fold I-cord into 6 even sized loops
and tack together, ensure cast-on and
cast-off are hidden in the centre.
Sew flower to centre front or slightly
off to the side of headband.
Sew button in place.

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Do The Twist Socks – Knit Picks

Jacket and Headband continued.

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