Australian Knitting — Volume 9 Issue 2 2017

(backadmin) #1

26 Australian Knitting

last 2 sts, p2.
Rep last 2 rows 3 (3, 4, 4) times
Next Row: RS - P all sts and inc 1 st
at centre of row to 71 (75, 83, 87)
Next Row: WS - K all sts.
Cont in Rev Stst (P on RS rows/K on
WS rows) until piece measures 33.5
(37.5, 43.5, 50.5) cm from beg, end
with a WS row.

Shape Neck and Shoulder
Next Row: RS - P26 (27, 31, 32) sts,
turn, on these sts only.
Next Row: WS - Cast off 3 sts, k to
Next Row: Cast off 10 (11, 13, 13)
sts, p to end.
Next Row: Cast off 3 sts, k to end.
Cast off rem 10 (10, 12, 13) sts.
With RS facing, return to sts on hold,
slip next 19 (21, 21, 23) sts to
holder for centre back neck, rejoin
yarn, cast off 3 sts, p to end.
Next Row: WS - Cast off 10 (11, 13,
13) sts, k to end.
Next Row: Cast off 3 sts, p to end.
Cast off rem 10 (10, 12, 13) sts.
With 4.50mm needles, cast on 70
(74, 82, 86) sts.
Row 1: RS - K2; *p2, k2; rep from *
to end.
Row 2: WS - *P2, k2; rep from * to
last 2 sts, p2.

Rep last 2 rows 3 (3, 4, 4) times
Next Row: RS - P all sts and inc 1 st at
centre of row to 71 (75, 83, 87) sts.
Next Row: WS - K22 (24, 28, 30)
sts; place marker, purl 27 sts, place
marker; k22 (24, 28, 30) sts.
Next Row: RS - P all sts.
Rep last 2 rows 2 (3, 3, 4) times
Next Row: WS - K22 (24, 28, 30)
sts; p2, M1p, p23, M1p, p2; k22 (24,
28, 30) sts. 73 (77, 85, 89) sts.

Row 1: RS - P22 (24, 28, 30) sts;
slip 4 sts to cable needle and hold at
back of work, k7, work the 4 sts from
cable needle as foll: (p1, k1) twice;
p1, (k1, p1) 3 times; slip next 7 sts to
cable needle and hold at front of work,
(k1, p1) twice; k the 7 sts from cable
needle; p22 (24, 28, 30) sts.
Row 2: WS - K22 (24, 28, 30) sts;
p7; (k1, p1) 7 times, k1; p7; k22
(24, 28, 30) sts.
Row 3: RS - P22 (24, 28, 30) sts;
k7; (k1, p1) 7 times, k1; k7; p22 (24,
28, 30) sts.
Row 4: WS - K22 (24, 28, 30) sts;
p7; (p1, k1) 7 times, p1; p7; k22
(24, 28, 30) sts.
Row 5: RS - P22 (24, 28, 30) sts;
k7; (p1, k1) 7 times, p1; k7; p22
(24, 28, 30) sts.
Row 6: WS - K22 (24, 28, 30) sts;

p7; (k1, p1) 7 times, k1; p7; k22
(24, 28, 30) sts.
Rep rows 3 – 6: 6 (6, 7, 7) times
Next Row: RS - P25 (27, 31, 33)
sts; slip next 4 sts to cable needle
and hold at back of work, k7, k4 from
cable needle, k1, slip next 7 sts to
cable needle and hold at front of work,
k4, k7 from cable needle; p25 (27,
31, 33) sts.
Next Row: WS - K25 (27, 31, 33)
sts; p23; k25 (27, 31, 33) sts.
Next Row: RS - P25 (27, 31, 33) sts;
k23; p25 (27, 31, 33) sts.
Next Row: WS - K25 (27, 31, 33)
sts; p23; k25 (27, 31, 33) sts.
Rep last 2 rows 8 times more.
Next Row: RS - P25 (27, 31, 33)
sts; slip next 5 sts to cable needle
and hold at back of work, k6, p5 from
cable needle, p1, slip next 6 sts to
cable needle and hold at front of work,
p5, k6 from cable needle; p25 (27,
31, 33) sts.
Next Row: WS - K25 (27, 31, 33)
sts; p6, k11, p6, k25 (27, 31, 33)
Next Row: RS - P24 (26, 30, 32) sts;
k2tog, k5, M1p, p11, M1p, k5, skp,
p24 (26, 30, 32) sts.
Next Row: WS - K24 (26, 30, 32)
sts; p6, k13, p6, k24 (26, 30, 32)
Next Row: RS - P23 (25, 29, 31) sts;
k2tog, k5, p13, k5, skp, p23 (25, 29,
31) sts. 71 (75, 83, 87) sts.
Next Row: WS - K23 (25, 29, 31)
sts; p6, k13, p6, k23 (25, 29, 31)
Next Row: RS - P23 (25, 29, 31) sts;
k1, (p1, k1) twice, p15; k1, (p1, k1)
twice; p23 (25, 29, 31) sts.
Next Row: WS - K23 (25, 29, 31)
sts; p1, (k1, p1) twice, k15; p1, (k1,
p1) twice; k23 (25, 29, 31) sts.
Next Row: RS - P all sts.
Next Row: WS - K all sts.
Cont in Rev Stst (P on RS rows/K on
WS rows) until piece measures 30
(34, 39, 46)cm from beg, end with a
WS row.

Shape Neck and Shoulder
Next Row: RS - P27 (29, 32, 34) sts,
turn, on these sts only.

Owl Sweater continued.

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