Rotman Management — Spring 2017

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Richard Thaler is the Charles R. Walgreen Distinguished Service Professor of
Behavioural Science and Economics at the University of Chicago’s Booth School
of Business. He is the author of Misbehaving: The Story of Behavioral Economics
(W.W. Nor ton & Company, 2015) and the co-author of Nudge: Improving
Decisions on Health, Wealth, and Happiness (Yale University Press, 2008).

I have the hopeful thought that Economics will soon become
as behavioural as it needs to be. There is still plenty of room for
models of rational actors: We still need to figure out, if we want
to maximize profits, what is the best way to do it? Traditional
Economics is good at finding optimal solutions to such problems.
But, in lots of other situations, a more behavioural approach is
required. I am looking forward to the day where economists just
use the tools that seem best suited for the job at hand, and stop
treating Behavioural Economics as a separate field.

New from Rotman-UTP


Leadership in the Eye of
the Storm
Putting Your People First in a Crisis
by Bill Tibbo
In this book, Bill Tibbo shows how
leaders can identify and cultivate the
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opportunities that arise in a crisis.

The American Retail Value
Crafting Unique Experiences at
Compelling Prices
by Kyle B. Murray
Whether you are an aspiring merchant
or an industry veteran, this book’s
strategic framework will help you build
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The Sustainability Edge
How to Drive Top-Line Growth with Triple-
Bottom-Line Thinking
by Suhas Apte and Jagdish N. Sheth
The Sustainability Edge illustrates
how business leaders can embed
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