Rotman Management — Spring 2017

(coco) #1

90 / Rotman Management Spring 2017



Figuring out what consumers truly value these days is
no easy feat. Describe how you discovered 30 ‘elements
of value’.
My colleagues and I have been studying consumers for many
years. After literally hundreds of studies, about three years
ago we consolidated our findings and were able to identify
24 ‘elements of value’ — but we suspected there were more.
So, in 2015, we did some new qualitative research — talking
directly to consumers about the products they were buying.
As people spoke about why they made a particular
purchase, we kept asking questions, trying to get at the
fundamentals. If someone told us their bank was ‘conve-
nient’, we didn’t accept that answer: We would probe fur-
ther by asking, ‘What does convenience mean to you?’ The
consumer would then delve deeper, and say things like,
‘Well, it’s nearby, so it saves me a lot of time and effort’. We
did this repeatedly, across all the different statements con-
sumers made, to get at the most granular elements of value.
We ultimately did some quantitative research as well — but
it all began with these deep customer insights.

The head of Bain’s
Advanced Analytics
practice describes
30 elements of value.

Interview by Karen Christensen

QUESTIONS FOR Eric Almquist, Partner, Bain & Company
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