Australian Business & Money Making Opportunities — May-June-July 2017

(Ben Green) #1

which can mean the difference between
your business making a profit or losing
money. If your website is optimised cor-
rectly Google and other search engines
will find you and send traffic to your web-
site, resulting in more sales. Cricket’s
search engine optimisation class is the best
and it’s free!
Now that your website is up and run-
ning and you have a working shopping
cart, it’s time to advertise. When you built
your website you used keywords that oth-
ers would find you with, right? It’s impor-
tant to understand that just because you
have a website up and running, it doesn’t
mean customers will magically find you.
There are many new websites going up
every day so yours has to stand out. You can
start by adding original, unique content
using your keywords. To find your key-
words, use a keyword finder. Google has a
free one. Another way is to brainstorm.
What would you type into Google to find
you? Who needs your services? Who is your
target market? Where can you find them?


Set up a method to keep track of sales
and expenses. It doesn’t have to be com-
plicated. It can be as simple as an excel
spreadsheet or even old-fashioned pen and

paper. QuickBooks is a popular program
that is easy to set up and maintain, just do
it from the beginning or you’ll spend time
backtracking to put information in.


Create a map of where you’re going
and how you are going to reach your goal.


Keep track of all your ideas. I write
them down and put them in my folder of
ideas that could be implemented with time
and money.


I have a fabulous group of women who
have their own specialties. I’ve learned so
much from them. When I’m having a bad
day I can go to them and vent. It’s
extremely important to have a support sys-
tem in place. Realise that you can do this
but it will be hard work, long hours and lit-
tle pay up front.


My best advice comes from Kay
Green, work your business like a business

every day. Set up a business schedule and
stick to it. Work on your business every
day. My friend and mentor taught me this.
She went from one product to having a
storefront and being a leader in child safe-
ty and baby products, all within less than
10 years.

Read these tips, make notes and read it
again. Remember that although this is step
by step, it can be accomplished by doing
more than one thing at once. When you’re
an entrepreneur you will wear many hats.
If there’s something you don’t know, reach
out to your network and ask for help.

Australian Opportunities Magazine • M/J/J 2017 • • 29

Terra Williams is an entrepreneur who
balances a home, career, husband, and
four kids. She offers scratch off stickers
and free scratch off templates at to create
your own scratch off tickets.

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