Australasian Dirt Bike — June 2017

(Dana P.) #1
112 |JUNE 2017

The rainless mountain lands of

the Upper Mustang were now a

realistic motorcycle goal

The speed

of life
The speed of life in Nepal is vastly different
to the west. It’s fantastic on many levels,
refreshing and relaxing but only if you’re
ready for it. It moves slowly, takes an age for
anything to happen and is remarkably
relaxed for a busy place.
That experience starts the second you
get off the plane and join the convoluted
visa application process. From the lack of
signs and photo machines that don’t work
to the two-hour queue to pay $30;
everything takes time.
Nothing happens when it should. We live in
a society where we aim to be timely, arrive
when we say and expect everything else to
happen accordingly. We’re not the best
society at it, but it’s an expectation. In Nepal,
there is no expectation of that.


MAIN: One wrong move and you’re dead

  1. House melts into the mountainside

  2. Building the road took five years

  3. Mikke was lucky with this choice of location
    for his off, 500m before there was a cliff

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