at2am? DR
Q How can I rid my hands
of calluses but still keep
them tough enough to lift?
Don’t take this personally,
but “skin is a relatively dumb
organ,” says dermatologist Dr
Kenneth Beer. “Skin only knows
to prote c t i tsel f by get ting thicker.”
Dumb, sure, but also effective –
those calluses are extra layers of
protection from all of your iron
gripping. So yes, you need those
calluses. But if they’re extra rough,
pick up a skin file, similar to a
grater you’d use for ginger or hard
cheese. Use i t to gentl y remove
some of the dead sk in. C areful ,
though – i f you’re to o aggressi ve,
you’ll just make the problem
worse. Also, apply a moisturiser
that c ont ains urea or lac tic acid
morning and night to soften
dead skin cells.
Q I see more people wearing
surgical masks these days,
like in Tokyo. Will a mask
protect me from the ’flu –
or anything else? TN
Not really. That masked dude on
the train might be paranoid, or just
a really nice guy. Surgical masks
aren’t that good at protecting you
from other people’s germs, which
are everywhere. But if you’re the
one who’s sick, a mask can limit
the nastiness you spread around.
Coughs and sneezes can send
snot and saliva droplets flying
more than three metres, MIT
research reveals. A basic cloth
mask will catch them. If you’ve
traveled lately and think you might
have an unusual strain of ’flu or
respiratory illness, upgrade to a
respirator mask.
sedative, boosting the early slow-wave stage of sleep.
That’s why your partner is wont to find you on the
sofa after a heavy night. Trouble is, when it’s done
processing your brain continues to expect the sedative
it’s no longer receiving and wakes you up to search
out more. And no, that doesn’t mean you should
sleep with a bedside bottle of pinot noir. But you can
outsmart your compromised brain by employing the
countermeasures below.
Q I run half marathons,
but sometimes my heart
pounds from just bounding
up the stairs. Am I one of
those fit guys who will keel
over from a heart attack?
Can’t say for sure, BP, but
probably not. This is not
uncommon among active guys.
Sure, you might be able to run
forever or bench twice your
weight, but to your body, that’s not
quite the same as racing up to a
third-floor meeting. “Climbing
stairs uses a whole different set of
muscles and puts a load on your
heart and lungs in a way that your
body’s not used to,” says
cardiologist Dr Michael Faulx. It’s
a reminder to mix up your workout
regimen, Faulx says. Do some
intervals and hill climbs, and
maybe leave a little earlier for that
11 o ’c l o c k.
Q I love naps. Do I have
a problem? PH
I f your b oss has to shake you
awake, then yes. But an
occasional 20-minute nap to put
some p ep in your s tep is p er fe c tl y
fine. What’s not fine is being
unable to get through the day
without a siesta. “Depending on
your nap like a skydiver depends
on a parachute means something
is w rong ,” says D r W. C hr is topher
Winter, author of The Sleep
Solution. “ N apping is like a
multivitamin – it should be a
supplement, not a replacement,”
Winter says. As for timing, try to
do your snoozing before
lunchtime. That way you augment
your previous night’s sleep total
instead of disrupting your
upcoming night.
Q I’ve started wearing glasses and I’m not liking the look.
The appeal of laser eye surgery is suddenly clear.
Should I do it? FN
I f your v ision is onl y slightl y impaired , nop e.
H ere’s a tes t from ophthalmo lo gis t D r K imb er l y
Cockerham: are you able to drive without
glasses? If you can’t, consider scheduling the
procedure. Like all surgery, she says, laser eye
surgery comes with risks and should be
reserved for people who have significant issues
with wearing glasses. The risks can include, in
extremely rare cases, permanent vision loss.
Alcohol inhibits the
antidiuretic hormone,
producing more urine,
so slash before bed –
e v e n i f y o u h a v e n o
great urge. The longer
you wait, the more the
deep muscles of the
pelvis clamp down
around your bladder,
says urologist Dr
Elizabeth Kavaler.
Improve the speed at
which your body
processes booze by
swapping the post-pub
kebab for asparagus
and eggs. They contain
l-cysteine, which helps
to metabolise alcohol.
I f t h a t s o u n d s l i k e a
hassle, make it your
healthy pre-party
dinner instead.
Avoid crashing out
the moment you step
through the door and
wind down by reading.
Even an extra hour
awake sipping water
could be enough to help
your body metabolise
the booze. Don’t worry:
you’ll be forgiven for
forgetting what you’ve
read come breakfast.