54 MAY 2017
Perform these
exercises as a
circuit, doing as
many re ps of each
as you can in 30
seconds, then
resting 30 seconds
and moving on to the
next. Use a single
dumbbell the entire
time, choosing the
heaviest weight
that allows you to
complete the
workout while still
maintaining perfect
form. Complete
three circuits total.
Bottom-Half Get-Up
Lie on the floor with your right leg bent and left leg
straight, holding a dumbbell in your right hand
ab ove your ches t. W i thou t t ak ing your eyes of f
the weight or bending your right arm, prop
your sel f up on your lef t elb ow. N ow s tr aighten
your lef t ar m. Rever se to retur n to the s t ar ting
position. When your 30 seconds are up, rest 30
se c onds and rep eat on your opp osi te side.
Goblet Squat
Hold a dumbbell vertically in front of your chest,
cupping the top end with both hands (imagine
that i t ’s a heav y goblet). B r ac e your abs and lower
your b o d y as far as you c an by pushing your hips
back and bending your knees; your elbows
should br ush the inside of your k nees. P ause,
then push your sel f back to the s t ar ting p osi tion.
The Single-Dumbbell
Body Blaster
Boost your gains by
downsizing your workout
doesn’t build
muscle – you
do. And a single
dumbbell, along
with a bit of floor
space, is all you
need to sculpt the
body you want,
says strength
and conditioning
specialist Robert
dos Remedios.
Try this workout
and see for yourself.
“Not only will
you simplify your
training so you can
better concentrate
on form and
activate more
muscle fibres, you’ll
also save a lot
of time,” dos
Remedios says.