Flex UK - June 2017

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104 FLEX| JUNE 2017

It’s one thing to think you’re not making any progress—but the only way to know for sure is to

gather up some cold, hard facts. You’ll want to weigh yourself at the same time daily,

measure the circumference of your key body parts monthly, and track your exercises, sets,

reps, and weight used in every workout. That way, you can monitor true progress and start

making adjustments...like any of the following ideas on this list.

[ 02 ]
The snatch and the clean and jerk are technique-driven movements,
relying on expert command of your form to propel a relying on expert command of your form to propel a loaded barbell up loaded barbell up
and down through a horizontal plane. Mastering eachand down through a horizontal plane. Mastering each of these of these
exercises will promote strength gains that can in pexercises will promote strength gains that can in part translate to art translate to
your other lifts. It’s certainly not a 1-to-1 ratioyour other lifts. It’s certainly not a 1-to-1 ratio, but generally speaking, , but generally speaking,
a stronger muscle has the potential to be a bigger a stronger muscle has the potential to be a bigger one. The Olympic one. The Olympic
exercises can be added as a weekly part of your regexercises can be added as a weekly part of your regimen, fitting well imen, fitting well
on the front end of nearly any workout.on the front end of nearly any workout.

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