Muscle & Fitness Australia - Issue 352 - June 2017

(lily) #1


oxide levels, priming the body for
intense work. Use during or after
training as a way to target areas in
functional fascial lines that become
overloaded or where discomfort is
present. Roll after training for better
recovery as well as deep tissue
and fluid manipulation. Include deep
breathing for a parasympathetic
nervous system response (relaxed
state) and to bring your body down.
For best recovery results fascial roll
six to eight hours after training or

“In my own teaching I have had good
responses when replacing that with,
‘slowest possible continuous rolling
movement’ and the added remark
that a super slow speed of 2.5 to 1.5
centimetres per breath could be a
great start,” says Dr Robert Schleip,
a leading fascia researcher.

“We recommend a discomfort rate
of no more than three out of 10,”
says Whitehead. “This leaves it up
to the individual to gauge, but if
it’s too painful the body can tense
up, which makes the process
counterproductive. For best effects
rolling should be performed in a
relaxed muscle state.”

When it comes to choosing the
right fascia training tools it mainly
comes down to what you would like
to achieve. The first and foremost
criteria should be that you’re using
an effective tool that is specifically
targeting the fascia.

You need quite a hard tool in order to
really be able to influence the fascial
structures. BLACKROLL offer three
roller densities: soft (still harder
than most common foam rollers)
for beginners and in medical rehab
applications; standard (the go-to
density for pretty much everyone
from beginner to athlete); and pro
(for professionals with a lot of fascia
training experience who can never
find a hard enough tool).

Fascia training tools come in all
sorts of shapes. A fascia roller is
probably the most versatile tool
in the bag since you can do pretty
much everything with it, rolling over
larger areas and muscle chains
like legs, back and arms as well as
specifically targeting hot spots (sore
points) which you find along the way.
Balls are to really target hot spots
and trigger points which need more
attention and pressure. Hot spots
are usually dry spots in the fascia
with adhesions between the fascia
layers. Applying external pressure
to dry spots increases fluid
circulation in the area.
A mini roller is perfect to work on
your plantar fascia (sole of the foot)
while standing barefoot on the roller,
or it can be used to roll your arms on
a table or against a wall. A duoball
has the perfect peanut shape for

the upper and lower back areas to
target the areas on both sides along
your spine without putting pressure
onto the spine itself.

Research suggests that a smooth
roller is better for most applications
as you can make sure you’re rolling
with the same constant pressure
across all the areas you want to
target. You also have more control
on where you apply pressure.
BLACKROLL recommends using
rollers with grooves for activation.
The grooves create a slight vibration
during rolling which helps to
enhance blood circulation in the
area, which is useful for warming
up. Grooves are usually a bit more
painful, but enable a more targeted
rolling approach.

that are at hand whenever you
need them. So a practical size and
lightweight tool with longevity that
can come with you wherever you
go gives you the most benefit.
A 30cm long roller gives you all
you need to perform most fascia
training exercises. Keep it simple,
small and practical and you’ll get
the most out of it.

For more information and to purchase
products, head to
Free download pdf