Muscle & Fitness Australia - Issue 352 - June 2017

(lily) #1

relate to people who didn’t put
in the same effort that I did,”
says Bautista. “Sometimes I
tried to force them to. It kind
of turned people off.”
So what is a big, muscle-bound
guy without a university education
who doesn’t enjoy personal training
supposed to do? Be a bouncer,
obviously. He got his first gig
bouncing at 17. He started in a few
bars. In his early 20s, he bounced
at a huge dance club called Lulu’s.
Then he progressed to VIP rooms
at parties around town. He had the

time. You have your days free to do
whatever you want. You train, eat,
sleep and go to work. You get
off work, you go back to the
gym, you go home and sleep
all day. And 10 years later, you
got nothing to show for it.”
Did he save any money? Ha! He
laughs at the question. “I worked to
make it through the week,” he says.
“I wasn’t concerned about putting a
stash away. I was Forrest Gump-ing
my way through life. My whole life

was kind of accidental.”
The lowest point was one
Christmas. By then he had children,
and he had no money to buy them
presents. He was forced to ask for
an advance from a club promoter.
“That was when I decided that
I needed to do something,” says
Bautista, who was closing in on
30 at the time. “I needed to find
a real job or some other way to
make money. It was like, ‘What
am I qualified for?’ ”

image that club promoters coveted

  • the huge, intimidating guy. Back
    then, he was even bigger than he is
    now. Much bigger. “Like 350, 360,”
    [159-163kg] he says. “I was huge.”
    Occasionally he would get
    arrested. “When I was bouncing,
    I had a few assault charges,” he
    admits. “I was always in a lose-lose
    situation. Whether I was in the
    right or not, the cops would show
    up and I looked like I did, and I
    was in a fight and somebody was
    bleeding and I wasn’t. I usually
    went to jail.”
    But it was a life. “I loved
    bouncing,” says Bautista. “You get
    spoiled by it. It’s easy work. You’re
    kind of hanging out most of the

I needed to find

a real job or

some other

way to make

money. It was

like, ‘What am

I qualified for?’

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