Wheels Australia — June 2017

(Barré) #1

@wheelsaustralia 25

For bringing a bit of rational perspective to the W1 versus
Value debate, Wes will enjoy his favourite motoring
magazine home delivered on us for the next 12 months.

Backing a W1inner
Letter of the month prize

X compares with the latest

performance cars in the

segment. Or, to put it another

way, what could Mitsubishi have

achieved if they’d stuck with the

formula that the others seem to

have copied?

For a mere $5000 or so, the

Evo X with the factory turbo

can be upgraded to more than

300kW and 500Nm, comparing

more than favourably with the

others. I believe the drivetrain

is still probably just as effective

as the other manufacturers’

newer models.

So you can outlay circa-$80K

for one of the German cars or

buy a secondhand Evo X for

around $45K, spend another $5K

on a power upgrade and most

probably have a quicker car. And

pocket the $30K difference.

My fairly stock Evo X

recorded quicker lap times than

the then-current versions of the

AMG A45 and Audi TT RS – and

I can’t claim it was my superior

driving skill.

Okay, I know the Evo X

interior is cheap, but the driving

experience is far from it.

Ken Strain, via email


Unfortunately we are heading

towards the future of bland

motoring (Barely Holden on:

Ford almost overtakes rival,

April sales figures show,


In 40 years time, will we look

at ‘classic’ 2017 SUVs and go,

“Jeez, what a great-looking

classic car; I want one” or

“I want the last of the V8s”?
Because I know what I would
choose. Hint: it’s not some
useless, soulless, bland SUV
that the boring masses drive.
Michael Raymont, via Facebook

Hyundai should scrap the V6
and make the Genesis G70 a
V8 hybrid (Hyundai G70 to get
a V8-rivalling V6 TT Hybrid,
Turbo engines, especially in
a large, heavy car, are barely
more economical and just add a
heap of complexity, compromise
long-term reliability and make
it more expensive for the owner
to own/maintain with little
fuel savings – especially seeing
as modern V8s are becoming
remarkably fuel-efficient and

have come a long way.
Make a V8 that sounds
amazing yet uses as little fuel as
a hatchback and it will sell like
hotcakes. Anybody would pick a
V8 over a V6 any day if it used
the same or less fuel as the V6.
Not to mention that V6s sound
awful and asthmatic. Guess all
that matters to the beancounters
is that these turbos meet
emissions and performance
standards – how an engine
sounds and performs in the real
world doesn’t seem to matter.
Ben Parsons, via Facebook

I always thought this three-pedal
fetish was just a motoring journo
thing; certainly, the high sales
figures for automatic cars back
up that idea.
I’ve had manual, auto and
dual-clutch performance cars,
and I’d never buy a manual
again. The reality is most cars

spend most of their time in
traffic. I understand $600K cars
being bought as occasional toys
by millionaires, but a $60K car
only for weekends? Really?
In most cars, the dual-clutch is
quicker than a manual anyway.
Colin Suttie, via Facebook

It’s not all about what tech is
fastest (BMW M to dump dual-
clutches, go auto-only within a
decade, WheelsMag.com.au.)
A manual gearbox is simply
more fun. Those people needing
technology to go fast may as
well just be passengers.
Chaise Delia, via Facebook

To protect the many people
who don’t have access to such
information (Hold your horses:
Chinese-built Steed hits two-
star crash-test wall, WheelsMag.
com.au) and to further justify
ANCAP safety tests I don’t
understand why such results
don’t mean an automatic ban on
imports of those vehicles.
Bruce Christopher, via Facebook

I like a quick car as much as
anyone (Next Mercedes-AMG
A45 to have more than 300kW,
WheelsMag.com.au) but you
really have to start to wonder
where we draw the line. Elon
Musk has a lot to answer for.
Richard Chester, via Facebook


would pick a

V8 over a V6

if it used the

same amount

of fuel as a V6”

“I’ve had

manual and



cars, and I’d

never buy a

manual again”

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