●Body Book Med ball
Have on hand two
medicine balls of
different weights
and bounces (see
specifics, right). Do the
workout once a week,
on a separate day, to
supplement your regular
weight training. Rest
two to three minutes
between sets.
How It Works
Guys often forget
to include a power
component in their
training programs.
Power, for those who
flunked physics, is the
ability to express force
over time — or, for our
purposes, the ability to
complete a weighted
movement rapidly (and,
occasionally, angrily).
That’s where
medicine ball training
comes in. Tossing a
med ball in different
directions trains your
body to generate power
without applying the
brakes. You don’t have
to slow down at the
end of the range of
motion like you do when
using weights — you
can just let the ball
fly. On top of that, it’s
easy to learn and helps
improve explosiveness
The result: a body that
performs and a lean six-
pack inside of a month.
Also, research from
Evolution and Human
Behaviorfound that
throwing a med ball
engages the cerebellum
and posterior parietal
cortex of the brain —
meaning it can improve
your attention span and
ability to concentrate.
Plus, what other
resistance workout
lets you beat the living
shit out of something
without hurting yourself
(or anyone else)?
■For Exercises 1 to 3, use a ball that weighs 7kg
to 10kg and doesn’t bounce. Perform these moves
outside if possible, so you have room.
Sets: 5–6
Reps: 3–5
Stand with feet
apart and hold
the ball at chest
level, with
your elbows
underneath it.
Squat as low
as you can
while keeping
your back flat.
Explode upward,
throwing the
ball as high as
you can. Allow
the ball to hit the
floor, pick it up,
and reset.
Sets: 5–6 Reps: 3–5
Stand with feet
apart and hold the
ball at arm’s length
in front of you. Bend
your hips back
and lower your
torso toward the
floor while keeping
your lower back
in its natural arch.
Explosively extend
your hips and throw
the ball overhead
and behind you.
Walk to the ball and
begin the next rep.