Kiplinger’s Personal Finance — September 2017

(avery) #1

Congratulations, Fidelity Investor!
You invested with the mutual fund company
with the finest managers on earth. The
most fund choices. The best website and
technology. Just one problem: The odds are
overwhelming that you don’t own Fidelity’s
BEST funds!

At last count, Fidelity offered no less than
462 different funds. As you might expect,
some are great, some are just OK and some
are downright awful.

And after putting all of Fidelity’s funds
under a microscope, I’ve narrowed the
list down to the 5 I’d recommend you
buy first. They’re not only positioned well
for this confusing investing climate, they
each benefit from a secret “X Factor” that
separates great funds from mediocre funds.

I’ve included the names of all of them in my
latest FREE Special Report titled Fidelity’s 5
Finest Funds. Best of all, I’d like you to have
your very own free copy of this report today.

The Straight Talk on Fidelity Funds
Yo u ’ ve B e e n M i s s i n g
My name is Jim Lowell and I’ve spent over
three decades in the financial industry as an
analyst, money manager and much more.
More importantly, for over 25 years, I’ve made
knowing Fidelity inside and out my business.
I worked for them for a time and used what I
learned to write a top-selling book titled What
Every Fidelity Investor Needs to Know.

Of course, like any big organization, Fidelity
does have its flaws and blind spots. I couldn’t
call myself “independent” if I didn’t make
sure my readers knew about all the ways that
Fidelity falls short. And Fidelity’s biggest
weakness is simple:

Fidelity Loves All Their Children Equally

With hundreds of funds to pick from... how
do you pick the right ones? In a year like
this, answering this question has never been
more important.

Picking bad funds instead of good ones can
mean the difference between an OK year...
and an outright disaster.

Alert: #1 Independent Fidelity Authority Names Fidelity’s 5 Finest Funds to Own Now

462 Fidelity Funds,

But I’d Buy These 5 First

mention priority code YC9182

Fidelity’s 5 Finest Funds
PO Box 10070, Gaithersburg, MD 20897

That’s why Fidelity’s 5 Finest Funds is
just what you need if you own even a single
Fidelity fund. I pored over all of Fidelity’s
hundreds of funds to name just 5 standouts
I’d buy with new money right now. And I’ve
just completed a special report describing
these 5 elite funds in great detail.
PLUS 3 Fidelity funds I don’t think I’ll ever
own. Your smartest investing move this year
could be simply banishing them from your
portfolio forever. Get rid of them before it’s
too late!
I’ll tell you how to get your FREE copy in
just a moment, but first let me tell you a little
about the 5 funds you may not own today...
but definitely should!

Fidelity’s 5 Finest Belong in Your Portfolio
Fidelity’s Finest #1—Fidelity has 44 sector
funds and ETFs, but this one is my favorite.
Run by a budding superstar manager who
turned down a bunch of opportunities to
manage more diversified funds because he
knows this is where he can shine the brightest.
And shine he does—he’s up 296.5% since 2008.

Fidelity’s Finest #2—Investing in small cap
stocks is a tricky game. The manager of this
fund has proven he can master the toughest
game of all—international small caps—by
beating his benchmark 170.8% to 125.7%.
Fidelity’s Finest #3—Want a well-run
income fund that pays you 3x more than 10-
year Treasuries? The manager of my favorite
income fund achieves just that by focusing
on emerging market bonds and managing
the risk so well that its volatility is 31% lower
than that of the S&P 500.
Fidelity’s Finest #4—I believe in letting
superstar managers run the biggest funds
they can handle, and so does Fidelity. That’s
why I was delighted one of Fidelity’s strongest
sector managers took sole possession of this
value fund. The fund beat its benchmark over
1-, 3-, 5-, and 10-year time periods.
Fidelity’s Finest #5—I named this fund’s
manager my “2016 Manager of the Year” and
he rewarded my forecast by handily beating
the S&P 500, thanks to a focus on mega-cap
stocks over $100 billion in market cap.
As I’ll explain in Fidelity’s 5 Finest Funds,
no one tracks Fidelity’s managers as
obsessively as I do. That’s the key to my 118%
outperformance over the average Fidelity

Better Fund Managers = Bigger
Profits for YOU
In a sea of undistinguished funds and
mediocre managers, Fidelity has “cracked
the code” on finding, nurturing and
empowering superior fund managers.
And those managers, in turn, give you better
fund returns. I’ll show you how to find the
best of the best and so much more in your
FREE special report.

Order Your Report Today–Here’s How:
Call 1-800-809-9612 and mention YC9182
or fill out and return the attached postage-paid
card and we’ll email your free report to you.
You can also get your free report immediately
online at

The Fidelity Investor’s
Fiercest Advocate
Get your FREE report
revealing the 5 best
Fidelity funds to own
PLUS the 3 funds you
should banish from
your portfolio.
Jim Lowell is Editor-in-Chief of the
award-winning independent newsletter,
Fidelity Investor.
Jim is an unapologetic and independent
voice for Fidelity shareholders who
want better returns with less risk from
their Fidelity funds.
Get your no-cost, no-risk copy of
Fidelity’s 5 Finest Funds now at


Jim Lowell
Free download pdf