Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya in the “Lands Below the Wind” 237
Pustaka Lentera, Jakarta. It outlines the importance of invocation (duʿāʾ)
and remembrance (dhikr) of God and spells out the consequences of
sins (al-maʿāṣī). According to Ibn al-Qayyim, diseases of the soul such
as anxiety, stress and depression can be cured through remembrance
of God. Referring to the Hadith transmitted by Abū Yaʿlā, Ibn ʿAdī
and al-Ḥākim, he explains that invocation is the most effective means
of psycho-therapy; it is the “enemy” of spiritual illness - repressing it
and removing it, or at least preventing its occurrence; “It is the weapon
of the believer, the pillar of the religion and the light of the heaven and
earth”, quoting another Hadith reported by al-Ḥākim.
2.1.11. The Garden of Lovers and the Promenade of Those Who Yearn
(Rawḍat al-muḥibbīn wa-nuzhat al-mushtāqīn)
This bestselling work was rendered into Indonesian by Kathur Suhardi
and published by Al Baz in 1997 with the title Taman Orang-orang
Cinta dan Rindu. It also appeared in 1996 as Taman Orang-orang
Jatuh Cinta dan Memendam Rindu from Darul Falah, Jakarta. A third
edition, titled Taman Orang-orang Jatuh Cinta dan Rekreasi Orang-
orang Dimabuk Rindu was published in 2006 by the Bandung-based
Irsyad Baitus Salam. As Ibn al-Qayyim himself stated in the introduc-
tion, the aim of the book was to assist believers in properly subordinat-
ing all secondary, profane affections to the supreme, sacred love owed
to God. In his view, love (maḥabba) is both the means and final cause
of creation as well as the soul’s way to beatitude. Needless to say, Ibn
al-Qayyim always cited the sayings of the Prophet and other religious
authorities before concluding with selections of verses in support of
his opinions.
2.1.12. God’s Beautiful Names (Sharḥ Asmāʾ Allāh al-ḥusnā)
Published by Pustaka al-Kautsar, Jakarta, as Asmāʾ-ul Ḥusnā – Nama-
nama Indah Allah (The Beautiful Names of God). The translation
is based on the Arabic text edited by Yūsuf ʿAlī and Ayman ʿAbd
al-Razzāq Shawwā, Beirut (Dār al-Kalim al-Ṭayyib) 1998. The Malay-
Indonesian edition includes the translation of the editorial preface. The
ten chapters of the book spell out the etymology and significance of
the 99 Divine Names.
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