482 Annabelle Böttcher
the operator of this website clearly inserts himself into the Saudi-style
Salafi tradition. The topics cover a range from the permissibility of
certain fashion items to prayer and fasting. In the translations, the
name of a certain Abū Bakr al-Almānī frequently appears; this is the
pseudonym of a German convert and one of Shaykh Ḥasan’s follow-
ers. Most likely the “we” is actually Abū Bakr al-Almānī, who main-
tains the website by himself.
The group’s former online shop http://www.al-tamhid-verlag.eu offered
books, DVDs, and CDs in German, Turkish, French, and Arabic.
Another online shop under http://www.as-sunna-verlag.de/as-sunna-verlag/
index.php has become the main platform for books, DVDs, and CDs
from two Salafi publishing houses: As-Sunna-Verlag and Al-Tamhid-
Verlag. According to information available on the website of As-Sunna
Publishers, 295,916 hits were registered from February 2007 to May
2008.^96 Products range from Koranic recitations on CDs to introduc-
tions to prayer such as the night prayer during the month of Ramadan^97
and a book on fasting by Ḥasan Dabbāgh. In mid-2008, a selection of
his lectures on topics such as fasting in Ramadan, Hadith, arrogance,
pilgrimage, and Islamic jurisprudence was available on CD.^98 His lec-
tures are also accessible in abundance as audio units on Youtube since
early 2008. Providers of these video-clips appear under names such
as “FlaggeDerSunna” (FlagOfTheSunna), “AufWegDerGefaerten2”
[sic!] (OnPathOfCompanions2) and “VideoIslaam”. The provider
“FlaggeDerSunna” (FlagOfTheSunna) offered 119 videos with lec-
tures by Shaykh Ḥasan in Arabic and German since February 2008.^99
The websites and the publishing house officially propagate an
entirely male Salafi production, that even makes authoritative state-
ments about exclusively female topics such as the veil^100 including the
96 See http://www.as-sunna-verlag.de/index.php, accessed Dec. 10, 2010.
97 See ibid.
98 See http://www.as-sunna-verlag.de/index.php?cat=c39_Scheich-Dr--Hassan-
Dabbagh.html, accessed Dec. 10, 2010.
99 See http://www.youtube.com/user/FlaggeDerSunna, accessed Dec. 10, 2010.
100 Der Hidschab ist schön!, translated from English into German by Umm
Amani al-Akad, 2004; online: http://www.salaf.de/swf/ges0003.swf, accessed
Dec. 11, 2010, six pages; Die Tugenden des Hidschab, translated from English
into German by Umm Amani al-Akad, 2004; online: http://www.salaf.de/swf/
ges0004.swf, accessed Dec. 11, 2010, five pages; Warum soll ich den Hidschab
tragen?, translated from English into German by Umm Amani al-Akad, 2004;
online: http://www.salaf.de/swf/ges0005.swf, accessed Dec. 11, 2010, five
pages; Die Wirklichkeit des Hidschab. Die Kleidung einer muslimischen Frau,
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