
(Dana P.) #1

happens around

this time of year.

The layers of

clothing start to

come off, and celebrity­

style abs jump out from the

confines of Instagram and into

reality. They’re on the beach, at

festivals, even in your local park... So

what are these women doing to achieve

such strong cores? Pete Geracimo knows.

He’s been a celebrity trainer for the past

20 years, working with the likes of Pippa

Middleton, Kim Cattrall, Adele and even The

Hoff. The key, he says, to super­strong abs are

the five moves that follow. Do the circuit four

to five times a week, building up the number of

reps and the time held in position, to see results,

fast. Croptops at the ready...

Step 1 Side planks

TARGETS Abs, obliques, biceps

  1. Start on your side with your feet

together and one forearm resting on

the floor directly below your shoulder.

Place the other hand on your hip.

  1. Contract your core and raise your

hips until your body is in a straight

line from head to toe.

  1. Hold, without letting hips drop, for

15 to 60 seconds. Repeat on other side.

Step 2 Plank twists
TARGETS Abs, obliques

  1. Start in a plank, resting on your
    forearms. Make sure your hips don’t
    drop, to engage the core and take the
    pressure off your lower back.

  2. Keeping your forearms and upper body
    in their starting position, slowly twist your
    hips to one side. Touch the floor (or go as
    far as you can) with your hips.

  3. Now twist to the other side.

  4. Go for 10 to 20 on each side.
    Think of it as the ‘Pippa plank’.

When starting out,
Pete recommends resting
for 15 seconds between
each move. The aim?
To get so good you can
complete the whole
thing without


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