FranchiseCanada SeptemberOctober 2017

(Tuis.) #1
FranchiseCanada September | October 2017 111

franchisees should also seek advice from an accountant
and the bank to ensure that they can financially afford

the investment. The bank may also request a copy of the
Disclosure Document so that they can make an informed
lending decision.



(continued from page 119)

Answer Key: 1) c 2) b 3) b 4) b Answer Key: 1) a 2) c 3) a 4) a

tutorial 3

  1. From a potential franchisee perspective,
    deposits benefit by:
    a) allowing the franchisee to earn interest on
    deposits held by the franchise system.
    b) allowing the franchisee to opt out of paying
    c) allowing the franchisee to put a territory
    on hold while he/she does his/her
    due diligence, arranges financing, has
    documents reviewed by a lawyer, or finds
    an approved location.

  2. Deposit Agreements:
    a) define payments made to financial
    institutions for financing start-up costs
    involved in franchising.
    b) define how and if the deposit will be returned,
    provide timelines, and typically address the
    issue of confidentiality.
    c) define the conditions for paying the franchise
    fee in monthly installments.

  3. There are no provincial legislations
    regulating franchise deposits.
    True or False?
    a) True b) False

  4. Deposits are non-refundable.
    True or False?
    a) True b) False

tutorial 4

  1. Disclosure Documents are provided to
    potential franchisees:
    a) to assist them in making informed business
    decisions and to learn more about the
    franchise opportunity.
    b) to return their personal financial history to
    the franchise system.
    c) as a marketing material to distribute to
    other potential franchisees.

  2. Franchise systems are currently required
    by law to provide Disclosure Documents in:
    a) Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Ontario.
    b) Alberta, Ontario, and Nova Scotia.
    c) Alberta, Ontario, and Prince Edward Island.

  3. The Disclosure Document will typically
    include a list of existing franchisees, with
    contact information.
    True or False?
    a) True b) False

  4. The Disclosure Document is only a
    summary of important information.
    True or False?
    a) True b) False

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