FranchiseCanada SeptemberOctober 2017

(Tuis.) #1
Kwik Kloset franchisee Leo Landri-
ault’s franchising career got off to
an auspicious start in 2013, when he
attracted major business on his fi rst
day on the job. Since then, his relation-
ships and numbers have only grown,
culminating in his 2016 Franchisee of
the Year win.
Working as a fi nishing contractor
in Sudbury, Ontario, Landriault com-
pleted a number of closet installations,
when he recognized there had to be a
more effi cient way to tackle these proj-
ects. After an online search, he came
across the Kwik Kloset franchise con-
cept, and met with owner Tom Turn-
bull to discuss bringing a Kwik Kloset
franchise to Sudbury. The partnership

was born, and Landriault purchased
the franchise, along with a used van
with the custom Kwik Kloset graphics
and interior racking package. Based
on the aerodynamic Aerocell van
body, the Kwik Kloset van provides
a mobile workshop and effi cient stor-
age for multiple homes’ worth of closet
“While driving my new ‘toaster’
[Kwik Kloset’s nickname for their
vans, due to the shape and ‘slot’ sun-
roof] from Toronto to Sudbury, one of
the biggest contractors in Sudbury –
Dalron – saw the van, and he called
the 1.866.4.SPACEMAN number on
the side of the van. Tom travelled up
from Toronto to support me in the

meeting the next week, and I started
working for Dalron almost right away.
That got me a good leg up, because
they do a lot of building in the area,”
Landriault recalls.

The Kwik Kloset Connect Concept
Landriault, who has owned and oper-
ated the franchise with his wife,
Donna, since 2013, started off as a
part-time franchisee in this relatively
small Sudbury market. In fact, he’s the
fi rst “Kwik Kloset Connect” franchi-
see, a franchising concept created by
Turnbull in early 2013 to reach smaller
communities. When Landriault called
looking for a franchise, Turnbull was
very pleased to have a solution – only
a few weeks earlier, he would have told
Landriault he didn’t have a suitable
option available.
While the traditional franchise
territory offered by Kwik Kloset
costs $75,000 and targets areas with
approximately 200,000 homes, the
Kwik Kloset Connect concept is avail-
able for only $25,000, and can be oper-
ated in communities with fewer than
100,000 homes. As these are part-time
franchise opportunities, Turnbull says
they’re best suited for those who are
already providing home improvement
services, such as fl ooring, painting,
and professional organizers.



Leo Landriault

sticks to the Kwik Kloset system


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