Chat It’s Fate — August 2017

(Brent) #1



turn to the a


the peace




ne of my favourite ways of
communicating with angels is
to get busy in my courtyard.
There’s something about digging,
planting and pruning that helps me to
feel connected to them. My grandma
was the same. She used to say she spent
the ‘happiest days
of her life in her
garden’. The love
and effort that she
poured into her
urban oasis
resulted in an
amazing display
of colour and
scented flowers.
First thing
each day, she’d
relax on a bench
with a cuppa and
talk to the head
gardener, as she
put it. I do the
same. I sit, savour
my coffee and
enjoy the peace
and quiet. I lay
out my hopes
and fears to the
angels. Most of
the time, they
send me an answer.


e took our twins Ben and Eli, 4, to a
country show. The boys were enchanted
by the friendly alpacas and imitated the
funny ‘meh’ sounds they make.
Later on, I noticed that
Eli had wandered off
and began to panic.
I said to my husband
John that I hoped
Eli’s angel was
watching him. The
woolly angel with
four legs was! We
found Eli in the alpaca
enclosure, being gently
herded by an alpaca!
Casey, 29, Dorchester

He scared

me into

keeping quiet

24 Chat it’s fate

Dear Michelle


was abused by my dad’s colleague
when I was 13. One day, Mum and
Dad were out when he called – that
was the first of three times when he
tried to force himself on me. He said if
I told my parents, they’d throw me out.
Then we went to a church wedding,
and the pictures of Jesus and the
angels inside made me think there
was help here. I prayed to Archangel
Michael and Jesus for protection, and
that night I dreamt that Michael said
I’d never see that man again. He was
right. The man was caught stealing

  • and that was the last we saw of him!
    Mary, 60, London

Dear Mary
Thank you for sharing your story. The
angels do everything they can to help
kids escape







eeling trapped and just can’t see a way out at
the moment? Then call on Terethel. His role is
to shine a light on how to break free. Bring him
close by holding a white feather in the palm of
your hand. Let the breeze blow it away. In your
mind or aloud, say: ‘Terethel, help me please.
I need to be free of (a situation). Shine your
light on my road to freedom.’

On call for... Freedom

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