NW Magazine — Issue 29 2017

(Barré) #1
K-Stew picked
the perfect
accessory for
her outfit in
Paris on July 4

  • namely, one
    fierce ’tude!



love rival Cara was
also in Paris!

But are Cara & Katy
the new power couple?

Out with the old, in
with the Stew...

K-Stew may have been
sizzling, but it didn’t stop
Cara, 24, giving her a run for her
money! And given K-Stew briefly
dated St Vincent, 34, soon after
the singer’s split from Cara, it’s
no surprise these two were kept
well apart. Smart move!

Oh là là! Paris just ain’t big
enough for all these exes!

It’s a good thing Rob, 31, was in
town for the Christian Dior show
and not Chanel – as running into
K-Stew and Katy would have been
all sorts of awks, given the love
triangle they were all involved in.
ICYMI, Katy and R-Patz were
linked in 2013 following the big
Robsten split.

Cara seemed way too busy
getting touchy-feely with Katy,
32, to pay K-Stew any attention.
In fact, the hair twins’ PDA has
sparked whispers that they could
be more than just friends –
especially in light of Katy’s
recent bisexual confession.
Watch this space...

They don’t call it the City Of Love
for nothing! Despite the ex-factor
following her around, K-Stew
found time for romance, wining
and dining her girlfriend Stella
Maxwell during some down time
on July 3.

French singer Soko’s fling with
Kristen didn’t end well, with reports
she even stalked K-Stew post-split at
Cannes last year! But Soko, 31, kept
her distance this time, attending
a Vogue dinner instead...

Single white Soko

Throw in a near miss
with R-Patz for
good measure...

Paris Fashion
on page 42^

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