NW Magazine — Issue 29 2017

(Barré) #1
Having opened up in the past about
how her faith saved her life when
she was battling drug addiction,
MILF$singerFergieattends her local
church in LA with her adorbs little
manAxl Duhamel. Rocking matching
midnight denim, the immaculately
dressed duo have co-ordinated their
outfits perfectly. Hey, who said you
can’t be stylish in church? Fashion
is a religion, after all!


fancy fella

It wouldn’t be
Sunday without
church bribes
from mum!

earnt that

time, it’ll cost
you two’

without me!’ leave

Now’s as
good a time
as any to
perfect her
Baywatch run

Younes is
going to be in
the bad
books after
Kourt’s hair
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