NW Magazine — Issue 29 2017

(Barré) #1



See ya, Soph –

it’s Miss Monk

from now on!


ur plans for settling
in with a Bundy and
Coke for “bogan”
Bachelorette later
this year have been
dashed! It seems the show’s
bosses have gone and slapped
Sophie Monk with the old
etiquette handbook, transforming
her from rough-around-the-edges
radio personality to proper
lay-dee. And, boy, have they
done a good job!
Soph was decked out in an
elegant ensemble that looked like
it was straight from Grace Kelly’s
wardrobe – pearls and all! – as she
and a suitor arrived in a vintage
convertible for a date at the
historic mansion Swifts in
Sydney’s Darling Point on July 3.
Yep, gone are the days of sitting
on garbage bins and chuffing
ciggies, with Soph evolving from
self-confessed “bogan” to Bachie

Soph, 37,
to just be , g,
“That’s all you can do because
I really want to find someone,
so if you’re performing, it’s
not going to work.”
But it seems the peeps behind
the scenes had different ideas.
Their plan? Transform the Gold
Coast treasure – best known for
her raunchy mens’ mag shoots,
dating Benji Madden and Sam
Worthington, and playing blonde
bimbos in flicks like Spring
Breakdown and Date Movie – into
Australia’s most dateable darling.
Not only has she replaced
smoking with vaping, switching
over to an e-cigarette to have her
smelling like roses rather than
ashtrays on set, but insiders

into a tizzy just weeks before
her announcement as the
Bachelorette, when she admitted,
“I’m trying to get lots of free stuff
at the moment in case I lose
[fame] again”.
Our source claims this
prompted them to bring in
a team of professionals to
help her “preserve The
Bachelorette magic”.
“Everyone loves Sophie
because of how brutally honest
she is – hello, she’s from the
Goldie!” says an insider.
“Sam Frost was the same,
and everyone loved her. But they
were concerned Soph might go
too far with her loose lips.”

it seems the
fter one was
p g her arms
during a date and placing a glass
of wine in her hands instead.
“Since she started the etiquette
lessons she’s had a massive
turnaround,” claims the insider.
“She’s making an effort to smile
more and dress more feminine,
and is generally more aware
of how she comes across –
on camera and off!”
Well, after pushing producers to
pick her for The Bachelorette over
former fan fave Nikki Gogan, why
wouldn’t she play along?
“[It’s] no big deal to me – you
may as well do it on TV and meet
someone nice,” Soph says of
finding love on the small screen.
Good luck, girl! ■


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