Testing Lecture Comprehension Through Listening-to-summarize Cloze Tasks

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Table 6.10 Coding scheme for Phase 2-retelling


Definition Protocols

Verbatim(V) Retell almost word for word, using
the original propositional order

Fan: For instance, you may make
connection between what you are
reading and what you have known
before and you may identify the
concepts you do not understand
very well, and evaluate the
importance of what?
Paraphrase(P) Retell most of the meaning in the
corresponding propositional
sequence, but replace some of the
words with synonyms or one’s own

Tan: The fourth characteristic is to
get assistancewhen necessary. An
active learner is constantlythinking
of what he learns and so he knows
whenknowledge breaks down, he
would ask forassistance from other
Deletion (De)

Delete propositions in the sequence Wei: And the teacher said if one is
reading the text and when they read
the word that they don’t know, they
would think what does the word
mean...This means this kind of
person is a passive learner

Substitute the sequence by a
proposition that is entailed by each
of the propositions of the sequence

Zhou: It is a contrast. Active
learners think they learn for their
own sake while passive learners,
yes, they mayseek for various
excuses for their problems

Given a sequence of propositions,
replace it by a proposition that is
entailed by the joint set of
propositions of the sequence

Tan: For example, you may have a
very knowledgeable student, um...
who has very good skills and are
very talented,but he is not, he does
not do homework.That means he is
not motivated at all. Student such as
those will, can be go through a lot
of difficulty in their studying.So,
although skill is very important in
learning, will plays a much more
important role

86 6 Employing the Think-Alound Method...

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