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samewayfor afew years, okaythere were
tweaksas bikes developed and courses
becamemuch stiffer.
First, amid-way penaltywasintroduced,
then a‘star’ penaltycamealong,then
finallythe scoringbecamethe now familiar
5,3,2,1,0.Thingsbeganto changewhenthe
youngerEuropeanridersjoinedthe motorised
sportfrom cycling.Thesenewcomerswere
usedto beingable to balancetheir cycles
andflick turnsoachieving ahigherclimb
up ahill beforestoppingand carried on in
the samevein with amotorcycle.Suddenly
hopping,flickingand the likewere partof
the trialssceneand sectionsbecamemuch
It is goodto watch, great entertainment in
an arenatrial, but is it trialsriding?No, it’s
not, whichis whythere is acall for asplit in
the sport,and not justfrom me.
One of the major problems is themajority
of riderscan’tdothis fancystuffand a
trial marked out with such sections is
counter-productive to gaining entries oreven
retaining ridersinthe sport.Inachat witha
formerworld trialschampion from Yorkshire
someyearsago, he said quite forthrightly
“whatparentis going to allow theiryoung ‘un
to have agoattrials whentheysee asix
grandbikebeingflun garoundand trashed
and maybethe rider injured?”
Therewassome recognitionofthis a
fewyearsago whenthe ‘no-stop’ rule was
reintroducedand it washopedareturnto
sanitywouldhappen.In partithas and
therearesome excellent trialswhich attract
full entries with traditional,difficultbut not
impossible sections.
However,such trials have to be laidout
with no-stop in mindor theywon’tworkas
it is unrealistic to expectarider, or bikefor
that matter,tocope non-stopwith sections
including suchtight turns which can only
be doneby stopping and hopping. It may
soundsour grapesis in actionhere and
I’m calling for easiersections, I’m not.
I’m saying, alongwith manyothers,true
non-stop sections were never easy,even
whenstickytyres camein, but theywere
possible and that is the point.By watching
the experts cleansuch asection, the novice
couldsee how it wasdone and eventually
do it themselves.
It is impossibleto turnthe clockback
fully and pick apoint wheredevelopment
shouldstop,but an event whichencourages
riderstoimprove, doesn’t smashabikeup
if it allgoeswrong,surelyhas to be good
for the sportand the industry.
Beforeanyone jumpsup and says ‘what
aboutbringing ridersinto world trials?’If
thereare no ridersthentheycan’tadvance
from club to world status,but if thereare
lots of ridersenjoying themselvesona
weekend in club sportthen
the pool of those who want
to go further can only be
biggerand if lots of people
want to ride trialsthen the
manufacturerscan sell bikes
to supportthis too.
To maintain
forward motion
Is it timetodividetrialsriding
’vepretty muchkept out of this whole
ridinghas beenconcerned, but have
beengoadedinto placingmy opinionon is my opinionratherthan that of
CDB.Torecap,the wholetrialsthingdidn’t
startout as asport, but as amethodfor
manufacturersinthe hot-bedof ingenuity,
developmentand inventionwhichwas
the late Victorianperiod,to demonstrate
their machinesworked. Theydid this by
arrangingtheir test riders–inthosedays
probablythe samelads who built the things
as well –togotosome notorioushill on
anormal road and ascend,cleanly,tothe
top withoutstopping,footingor usinglight
It will be obviousto statein thosedays
all that wasrequiredwasfor amotorcycle
to carry its rider to and from workwithout
anyproblems.The datesthese‘trials’were
conductedwouldbe mentionedto the
fledglingpressby amanufacturer–you can
just hear the tone of the lettercan’tyou...
No doubtthe test riderswould have beenup
and downthe hill for aweek beforehand,to
ensurethe primitivemotorbicycleswould
actuallygo up it so no embarrassingfailures
wouldbe seen.
attractionand soonownerswantedto try
their skillstoo and asportwas born.
From this,wedeterminewhyour sportis
called‘trials’ and atrials section isreferred
to as a‘hill’and the successfulattempt is a
‘clean.’ Things prettymuch rolledalong in the
...I’m saying,along with many others,
true non-stopsectionswerenever easy,
even when stickytyrescamein, butthey
werepossible and that is thepoint...
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