Classic Dirt Bike — Autumn 2017

(Ron) #1
pumpfeeds,in the formoftwo brasstubes,
are pressedinto the holestoo and have
restrictorvalvesinside–aspringand atiny
ball bearing.Still, amethodof cleaningthe
drillingswasarrived at and involvedsquirting
light oil downthe feed tube so the gloopwas
pushedout. Afurther refinementwastoput
somegreaseover the end of the drillingto
stop anygrindingpastegoingin therein the
firs tplace.
Idid trysquirting contactcleanerdownthe
tube but the restrictorvalvewastoo much
for the pressurisedliquidand Imanaged
to squirtiteverywhere.In the end Iused a
pumpactionoil can. Just got to reassemble
the oil pumpinto the casingthen applya

light smearof instantgasket, refitt he case
and then Ican put the Can-Amto the bottom
of the list...
Next on the workbench is likely to be my
BSA B40, whichmanagedto shedits gear
lever duringthe Pre-65ScottishTwoDay
Trial. The splineson the shaftare wornto
the pointof non-existence.Luckily,there is
the gear selectorcan be saved as the shaft
only can be replacedratherthan the whole
part. It doesof course requireastrip down
of the timingside of the engineto accessthe
internals, but at leastwith aB40 this can
be donewithouttakingthe engineout of the
frame.No doubtwhenthe case is off there

will be otherissuesto sorttoo, such is life
with a50-year-oldmotorcycle.
The Beezerdoesneedsomework
elsewheretoo, on the cycleparts or brakes
but theyare sortofacceptableand workwell
enoughto passthe MOT test, butfirs twater
splashand they’re history.
Probablythe easiestjob to do will be
the forkseals on the TY and to be honest
the newseals are in the sparesbox but
findingfive minutesto do the job has proved
awkward lately.
The biggestjob facingme is replacingthe
mainbearingsin my 250 Bultacoengine.
The bikewas rebuiltin 1988for the Scottish
Six Days Trial and internally at leasthas



Right: Oncethereturnspringwasfitted,all the
areallylightsmear. Seriously,Ioncesawan
attempttostemoil leaks,usedalmostafulltube



044 Rebuiltto ride_044.indd 46 01/08/201712:59:33

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