Classic Dirt Bike — Autumn 2017

(Ron) #1
the 500 satleast,but

On the

Onthefaceofit, therearesomebikeswhichshouldn’t work–
wrongbits, toooldfashioned–yetdespitesuchoddstheydowork.

Tim Britton


hose of us who were youngsters
in the early Seventies and reading
the motorcyclepress of the day
had absorbed everythingabout
the ISDT, the long distance trials where
Triumphhad exceeded all expectations and
produced winners. We had focussed on such
motorcyclesasthe TR5, the Trophy500, we
knewall about the wartimelegendofthe
squarebarrel over the later roundbarrel,how
couldwe not, it waswritten downin front of us.
We knewthe ISDT wasthe ultimate
test of motorcycleand rider and that the
competitiondepartmentsof not only Meriden
were focussedon successin this demanding
theatreof skill and determination.We knew
the motorcyclesneededfor this ultimatetest
wouldbe superbin everyrespect...if only
theywould producethemin hugenumbers
then the industrywould rise again.

Someof us aspired to theskillsthe ISDT
riders demonstrated, from their calmriding
styleskeepingthemontime, to tyrechanges
in less than fourminutes –this, we thought,
wasthe wayforward. We achedtobethere
on Triumphtwins,couldn’twait to be involved;
but perhaps we were naiveastheseteam
motorcycleswere never production bikes in
the true sense. Yes, theywere bikes thathad
begunasproduction-basedmachines but
afterbeing hauledfrom the productionline
theywere lookedover verycarefully.Then a
few modshere and there to make themmore
suitable forpurpose and so it went on. At
leastitwent on untilthe industryall but died
and costcutting camein, gone were the base
modelsthese machines were culled from.
Yousee what we dirtmad youngsters
didn’tappreciatewassuch off-roadbikes
were smallpotatoescomparedto the road

marketand what the factoryhierarchyin
becomeleisure.Gonewasthe needfor
daily transportasanecessity,thosewho
rode amotorcycleto workdid so because
theychoseto do so, not becausethey
couldn’tafford acar.Perhapsthat wasthe
realisationwhichdawnedon the factory
hierarchyafter endingproductionof the high
pipedT100;maybe, maybe not, but it is a
Arguably,consideringthe dual purpose
backgroundboth Triumphand their owners
BSA had, it is inconceivableboth endedup
at apoint in the Seventieswith no machine
in the rangeto service the growingtrail bike
needin the USA.However,Iwasn’tthere
in thoseboardroomswherethingswere
discussedand to me it seemsthe obvious
thingis to spot aneed and fulfili tbut I

Trophy trail


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