Classic Dirt Bike — Autumn 2017

(Ron) #1
If you’ve had enoughof listeningto us oldies
who rode twinshocksand classicsin the day,
witteringon about‘the old days’ and ‘how
it wasthen’,whydon’tyou give it agoand
tryitout for yourself?Steve’sClassicand
TwinshockExperiencein North Wales is a
goodplaceto start.
Here you willfind awell sorted selection
of oldertrialsbikes, someoneto showyou
how theyoperate,avarietyof terrain to ride
on and at the end of it you’ll be ridingin a
The two-dayexperiencebeginswith
practicedayonSaturdayand atrial on
It includesuse of atrials bike, trial entry,
licencefee, aback-upbikejust in case,
sparesand fuel. You’ll be expectedto provide
your own bootsand helmetthough.
Fancy ago? ContactSteve on 07957
886225 or [email protected].




HawkstonePark and MX go togetherlike
breadand butter–ifyou’ve not beento
the Shropshirecircuitthen you’ve missed
out. Luckily,the HawkstoneLegendsMX
givesyou the best reasonof all to go to
the circuit–some fabulousMX racing.Last
year’sinauguralevent laid the foundations
for biggerand betterin 2017.
Therewasaslight hiccupwhenadate
clashmeantthe event had to be pulled
forward to August27/28,but everythingis
on trackfor agreat event.
With commentaryand interviews by Jack
Burnicle and Rob Kinseyand superstarsof
MX such as world championsGrahamNoyce

Hawkstone festival of legends

and Neil Hudson,and top UK starsoftheir
daysuch as BryanGoss, Peter Mathia,Roger
Harvey, Dave Watson and Alan Cloughfor
themto interview, the breaksbetween races
are sure to be entertaining.
As for the racingitself,how abouttwo
days of ToughsheetEvo Championship
racing,West MidlandsEvo racing,the Frank
MercerMemorialTrophyand lots of track
time from all sorts of racers. August28 will

be the Legendsdaywhen past mastersand
legendstaketothe track.It’s£10 to get
in, or £25 for acar,goalong soak up the
atmosphere,mingle,meetand have agreat

dinnerforriderswho’driddentheeventarose.So,anyoneupforit?If anyoneis,andafew
haveexpressedinterestalready,dropmealinehereatCDBandmaybeit willhappen.

Left: DaveWatsonisaskedbyTimBrittonabouthis



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