Gluten-Free Heaven Australia - October 2017

(Sean Pound) #1
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein

5.6g 5g 0.1g 2.8g 0.1g

Sweet Treats RECIPES

100g (3½oz) dried
unsweetened mango
125g (4½oz) unsweetened
dessicated coconut,
plus extra for rolling
1 small carrot, peeled
2.5cm (1in) piece of lemongrass,
woody layer removed
grated zest of 1 lime
¼ tsp turmeric
a pinch pink salt
matcha powder, for
colouring (optional)

Mango coconut & carrot bliss balls

By Angela Warren ( GF SF DF EF V
Makes 15 | Prep 15 mins plus chilling | Cook none | Calories 79 (per ball)

1 Soak the mango in filtered water for 10-15 min-
utes, until soft but not soggy and disintegrating.
Drain well and pat dry on kitchen paper.
2 Add all the ingredients, except the extra coconut,
to a food processor and process until a sticky
dough is formed.
3 Roll into tablespoon-sized balls, then roll each
ball in the extra coconut. Mix some of the balls in
the matcha powder for a green colour, if desired.
4 Pop the balls in the freezer on a tray for 30
minutes to firm up, then transfer to a sealed
container and store in the fridge, or freeze and
defrost when you want to eat them.
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