Gluten-Free Heaven Australia - October 2017

(Sean Pound) #1
get acquainted with the art of gluten-
free baking, but you’ll often produce
healthier, larger portions that can be
frozen for a later date.
When it comes to gluten-free meals,
step away from the ready-meal aisle.
You’ll save yourself a fortune by
prepping your own packed lunches and
dinners, with any leftovers popped in a
Tupperware for a later date. Try batch-
cooking pies, soups and curries for
easy freezing. This way, you’ll be sure
to have a quick meal in preparation for
busier days.



Not knowing
your carbohydrates
If you’re anything like me before
I chose to live a free-from lifestyle,
your main sources of carbohydrate
might be white, beige and brown all
over. Staples of the typical British diet
rarely vary from refined wheat pastas,
wheat-based breads, white potatoes
and white rice. Yawn.

When selecting your carbohydrates as
part of your nutritious and low-cost
gluten-free lifestyle, opt for buying
a range of different grains. Quinoa,
polenta, buckwheat and coloured rice
are extremely nutritious and diverse,
costing very little when bought online
and in bulk.
Sweet potatoes, pumpkins and
beetroot are healthier swaps for
conventional white potatoes, and are
often cheaper when bought in season.
Try them as pie toppers, or add a tin
of white beans to your mash to get an
extra protein hit that’ll keep you fuller
for longer.
Some of my favourite substitutes for
wheat-based pastas include buckwheat,
corn or rice pasta. Rice noodles work
as a fabulous spaghetti alternative, or
use raw veggies such as zucchini and
carrot to make a veg-based, lighter
pasta alternative.
Personally, I have completely
eliminated bread from my diet. But
if you still crave the favourite staple
carbohydrate, then try making your
own! Short on time? Flatbreads made
with buckwheat and quinoa flour can
be knocked up in less than 30 minutes,
or try making Indian dosa breads and



Buying little and often
This is one of the most pivotal
lessons I have learned from my
free-from cupboard stocking over
the years. Buying smaller quantities
of grains, nuts, seeds and pulses will
initially make economic sense. After all,
why buy a huge 5kg bag of brown rice
for $20 when I can buy a 500g bag for
$3? Many of us will fall into this trap,
making the mistake of adopting a little
and often buying pattern. The average

family will visit the supermarket as
often as three times per week just to
restock on staples that have run out by
the middle of the week.

The answer:
Buy non-perishable and longer-life
items in bulk. Buying directly from
wholesalers online, you’ll find that the
cost per kg will decrease when you
purchase a higher weight of produce.
This goes for grains, flours, legumes,
pulses, seeds, nuts and dried fruits – all
of which can last for months! Added
bonus? You’ll save time by not making
those extra trips to the supermarkets
and save on packaging too.



Not getting enough veg
If you’ve already decided to give
up gluten, the idea of reducing
the amount of meat that you consume
might seem like a step too far! But I
would not be giving you the most honest
advice if I wasn’t to mention the fact
that an overreliance on meat and meat
products in your diet can actually end
up costing you more than, say, being a
flexitarian or vegetarian.

By increasing the amount of fresh
vegetables and legumes/pulses in your
diet as a substitute for meat, you’ll find
both your health and bank balance will
improve significantly. Gram for gram,
plant-based protein is undoubtedly
cheaper and easier to store and keep
fresh than animal sources. What’s
more, plant-based protein contains
no cholesterol, little saturated fat and
more often than not will provide you
with higher levels of fibre and vitamins.
Why not try incorporating a couple

of meat-free days into your regular
routine too? Simple and yet extremely
cost effective.



Wasting your food
One of my pet hates – food waste.
The average household throws
away $100 worth of food every month.
That equates to around 24 main meals
worth of food, simply thrown in the bin!
While this attitude is not exclusive to
those of us who are gluten intolerant,
it’s an issue that is definitely worth
everyone’s consideration.

Before you do your shopping, do a mini
household food review – a conscious
stocktake of your fridge, freezer
and cupboards that will ensure you
utilise all your ingredients to their full
potential. Ingredients that are going
out of date can be paired with fresh
products that will turn them into cheap
and sustainable meals. By structuring
your weekly shopping in this way, you’ll
minimise food waste and save yourself
money at the same time. Win win.
When you go grocery shopping, make
a list and endeavour to stick to it. Avoid
the multi-buy options or buy one get
one half price, especially when it comes
to fresh produce (unless you are certain
you will use them well) as these offers
lend themselves towards wastefulness.
Another waste-reduction tip is to use
your freezer wisely. Far from a storage
of ice cube trays and peas, your freezer
can become a storage unit of leftovers,
over-ripe fruits and veggies, herbs and
ingredients that may be going slightly
out of date. A perfect way of preserving
nutrients and helping keep your costs
low at the same time.

The average family will visit t he supermarket as often as

t hree times per week j ust to restock on staples t hat have run

out by t he middle of t he week...

Charlotte is a
student researcher
of nutrition and
human disease.
Studying to
become a doctor
of human nutrition,
she is particularly
interested in
wholefood, plant-
based nutrition and
healthful lifestyle
intervention in the
prevention and
reversal of chronic
human diseases.
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