MyKitchen - Issue 36 - October 2017

(C. Jardin) #1

the cover


health check

Honey, to taste
2 bananas, frozen
2 tbsp cacao powder
2 tbsp maca powder
Fruit, to serve

For the berry nibs

  1. Preheat oven to 180°c.

  2. Mix together all ingredients,
    except berries. Spread out on
    a baking tray and bake for 10–12
    minutes, until golden and crisp.

  3. Mix in the berries. Place in
    additional text: roxy greeff; photography: hm the freezer until ready to serve.

; illustrations: chlo

É damstra

recipes analysed by Jenny

meyer at mme dietitians (

Smoothie bowls
with berry nibs
MAkES 2 HANDS-ON 20 min
HANDS-OFF 10 min + freezing time

For the berry nibs
1 cup desiccated coconut
½ cup coconut sugar
½ cup walnuts, roughly
½ cup frozen mixed berries
For the smoothie bowls
1 avocado, frozen
1 ½ cups milk of choice

For the smoothie bowls

  1. blend the avocado and ½ cup
    milk. Sweeten with honey and
    set aside.

  2. blend banana and remaining
    1 cup milk. Sweeten with honey.

  3. Divide the banana mixture
    between 2 bowls. Whisk cacao
    powder into one bowl and maca
    into the other.

  4. Divide the avocado, cacao
    and maca mixtures between
    2 bowls. In each bowl, swirl the
    3 colours together. top with the
    berry nibs and fresh fruit.

october 2017 25

breakfasT TiMe
Eat brekkie within
an hour of waking up.
Cortisol levels are highest
in the morning and, if
you don’t eat anything,
this hormone will start
breaking down your
muscles to make
sugar for energy.

Per serving
1 535.3 kJ
4.4g protein
23.1g fat
36.1g carbs
5.6g fibre
26.5 mg sodium

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