People USA — August 21, 2017

(Axel Boer) #1
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Last fashion disaster
I used to wear a lot of those really
chunky Vans shoes with Strawberry
Shortcake laces. I was like a size-10
shoe at age 11, so I looked like a
giant “ L.” I feel like at this point in
my life I could ironically bring it back,
and it gives me a lot of pleasure, like
I can own my awkwardness.
Last thing I took from a set
Yeah, I always steal something from
every set. FromThe Glass Castle
I took a set of the castle plans and an
old photo of the house they lived in.
I document a lot of things and
organize them in catalogs just to
help me remember. It probably
looks like trash to everybody else,
but it means something to me.
Last time I was starstruck
I hung out with the cast ofStar Wars
last night, and I was really nervous and
super-starstruck. It took me maybe
three hours to not be shaking, and then
I was okay. I usually just don’t talk; I just
go into listening and nodding mode.
Last moment of bliss
There was a really nice moment when
I was just staring out the window today
at this pretty tree. And I’m jet-lagged,
so I could just stare at a tree for
30 minutes, and sometimes that’s all
I really want. Bliss can be really simple.
Last injury
I kind of have a fear of ranch dressing.
I just don’t like it. In eighth grade this
kid was chasing me with ranch dressing
on his hand, and I tripped and fell
and broke my arm. Now it’s something
I can easily avoid; it doesn’t really
hold me back in my day-to-day life.
Condiments are just shady to me.
Reported by Julie Jordan

Brie Larson


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