Cosmopolitan Australia — November 2017

(Kiana) #1

Fitness is a lifestyle... and so is saving for your

future! Create healthy habits now to make sure

your life is in the best shape possible

f it?

less than men.

Women on average
retire with


ASFA, July 2017

Are you



etirement? Seems like a long
way off... but if you think of
it like you do your overall
health, it’s worth putting in
the hard yards now for a financially
healthy future. Find the right fund, set
it up so it does its thing behind the
scenes, and your future self will thank
you for being so financially fit.
In your twenties? You’re richer than
you know! Start thinking about
consolidating all the super from
previous jobs into a single fund, and
look for any lost super while you’re at it

  • you’ll be amazed what you can find.
    Then check out what asset class you’re
    in now and consider investing in
    growth assets (no, we’re not talking
    muscle growth, we’re talking finance!)

  • you’ve got time on your side, after all.

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