Cosmopolitan Australia — November 2017

(Kiana) #1
DAY 1:
Break the touch barrier.
Physical f lirting sends a sexy
signal that you’re in the mind-
set for action. During convos,
touch his arm or his leg – or
elsewhere! – for emphasis.

DAY 2:
Add a new angle to oral.
Try 69, but lie on your sides.
It’s way less strenuous than
on top of each other, but still
gives you good access.

Could it be


But not the kind you’re
thinking of. If you haven’t
been in the mood since, oh,
early November 2016, you
may be suffering from Post-
Trump Sex Disorder. It’s a
sudden and swift aversion
to sex caused by the anger,
fear and confusion you’re
absorbing from the current
political climate. ‘All this
talk about alternative facts
and fake news makes us
distrust everything: news,
politics and maybe even the
person you’re having sex
with,’ says sex therapist
Susan Block. That’s a legit
passion destroyer, even if
you and your partner are
on the same political page.
Women, in particular,
have been hit hard by PTSD

  • even those living outside
    of the US. Says Block: ‘When
    the misogynistic comments
    were not just ignored but
    rewarded with the [US]
    presidency, it certainly made
    a lot of us feel horrible.’
    How to overcome this
    aff liction? Right before bed-
    time with your S.O., avoid
    reading the news or checking
    your social feeds, and instead,
    focus on creating intimacy.
    Also, find like-minded friends
    and outlets where you feel
    heard. ‘Protests are powerful,
    and can be an aphrodisiac,’
    says Block. Here in Australia
    you can empower yourself by
    attending any of numerous
    women’s rights rallies. Keep
    calm and march on with your
    bae... right into the sack.

Your one-month plan to overcoming a drought - for good! - using fresh
positions from our forthcoming book, Cosmo’s Sexy Sutra

30-day challenge:

End a dry spell!

Post-shower, send him a sexy
selfie – just a glimpse of skin
will give him a bigger jolt than
his espresso. The next day,
wear a pop of red. Research
shows men are most attracted
to women who wear rosy hues,
and knowing his eyes are on
you can be a major turn-on.

DAY 5:
S-E-X day! Get in a spooning
position, but curl up into a

ball. He can wrap his arms
around you and enter you
from behind.

DAY 6:
Write three sexy fantasies on
three strips of paper, and have
him do the same. Shake ’em up,
and see how many you can do.

DAY 7:
And on the seventh day... rest!
You deserve it. Plus, eight or

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