Cosmopolitan Australia — November 2017

(Kiana) #1
There was some major eye-rolling
from my side when I heard that
Sophie Monk, 37, was going to be
the next Bachelorette. Although
I’m not proud of it, I was hardly
alone in my thinking. How could
someone so successful, hilarious and
pretty damn gorgeous not be able to
find love? Shouldn’t the title be given
to a girl-next-door-type like Georgia
Love and Sam Frost? Sophie is the
first celebrity Bachelorette – ever

  • so it’s no surprise eyebrows were
    raised. But it didn’t take me long to
    realise that Sophie is exactly like
    the Bachelorettes before her. She’s
    a woman who has been burnt by
    past loves and wants to share her
    life with someone special. And if
    you, like me, thought that someone
    with her status has access to an
    even bigger sea of fish than Becky
    down the road, you’re wrong. ‘If I
    go to bars or anything, I only get




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