Cosmopolitan Australia — November 2017

(Kiana) #1
One in four Australian women have experienced emotional abuse. One in three have
experienced physical and/or sexual violence. And one woman is killed every week by
a current or former partner. That’s too many women. Cosmo has banded together
with influencers, celebrities and survivors of gender-based violence to shine a light

on the red flags that all too often precede physical violence. Together we can put an

end to violence against women once and for all, reports Shari Nementzik >

‘When the words
“domestic violence”
came up, it saddened
me but never did it
strike a chord with me
personally. A year ago
I looked deeper into
the meaning and
learnt that abuse has
several categories:
emotional, mental
and physical. All of a
sudden it did strike
a chord – a really deep
one. Ladies, please
know the red flags; it
could save a life.’


cosmo campaign

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