Better Homes and Gardens Australia — December 2017

(John Hannent) #1
Chocolate ripple wreath


Star-studdedbombe Alaska

Your essential

Free!36-page BONUS Christmas cookbook

So simple spun sugarin just 20 mins. Gorgeous!

Your time to shineFast, fab, festive show-stoppers
Glam garnishes for extra blingPlusstunning single serves

Mini upside down baked
cheesecakes, page 32



o we’re here, like Santa’s
bestest helpers to get you
Christmas clever! But let me
explain a little thing up front. Some
time ago, I told you how we all fall
into one of three prep categories
for Christmas. Forgive me if you’re
reading it again. But for those of
you who don’t know, the first of
you are Christmas Creatives who
begin your amazing planning in
October. Then in November, you
Traditionalists emerge, liking to
make your Christmas pretty much
the same every year with perhaps
just a stunning little twist here or
there – you’re so organised. Come
December, you Last Minute Maniacs
storm the stores – in waves of
chaos! And we’re ready for you all.
But right now we’re concentrating
on you clever Creatives. With time
still ahead but with your heart full
of ‘what can I make, what can I do
for everybody’, we’ve bundled up
a collection of amazing makes for

Not Chrissie planning

yet? Then enjoy time in

your garden with these

exquisite summer

pots plus more ‘green’

ideas to simply

charm you PAGE 68

you to snip, stick and stitch – check
them all out, from page 44 – with a
big dollop of brights and bling for
you to absolutely sparkle! (And PS,
you sparkle-arkling should be the
real order of the day – just sayin’!)
Meanwhile your peeps will adore
them. And that’s just the decos!
What else? Time to don your chef
extraordinaire’s hat of course, and
get baking. Then right smack as
the season begins, just like magic,
you bring out these goodies from
your pantry and hand them around
to unending compliments. And
that’s not counting the mastery you
create for the big day. Oh, that we
were all Creatives like you. Merry
Christmas, you are super stars!
For those of us who are breathless
with exhaustion just reading this, the
rest of this issue is for you to relax.


Hello you crazy Christmas Creatives!
We know your head is in a spin right
now planning, planning, planning...

to December

Subscribe now for big savings and more.
See page 218 or call 1300 301 567

the things


this Month

Photography Andre Martin; styling Annette Forrest

In readiness for the
delightful silly season,
this issue comes with
Christmas desserts – a
free 36-page cookbook
just for you! Plus, our
25-page baking special
also gets you going for
wonderful entertaining.
And if you buy the festive
cakelet pan (above), your
mini cakes, cheesecakes
and biscuits – and savoury
treats, too – will have a
very special presentation.
Check page 39 for all
the info you need. And
even without the fab
little pan, your baking is
covered from page 16.


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